Example sentences of "[pron] is [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , the fact that Haines must report to the Jockey Club Stewards and has no authority to act unilaterally has inevitably led to suggestions that his is merely a token appointment .
2 CalMac 's managing director , Colin Paterson , points out that his is possibly the only nationalised industry whose grant has gone down in real terms .
3 His is almost the only unsilenced opposition voice .
4 ‘ You did hit him in the stomach — and that briefcase of yours is quite a solid design , after all .
5 Yours is only a sleeping life . ’
6 Being committed to pray for someone is perhaps the greatest commitment we could make and as such we as a church need to be faithful in this , that is why it would be good to get prayer support groups together .
7 Today , EDS has only one office in Milan , which combined the activities of SD-Scicon/GFI Informatique and of McDonnell Douglas Information Systems , and one in Rome , which is strictly a commercial office for GM Italia .
8 If you have any original Lloyd Loom which is slightly the worse for wear , contact Graham Mancha on 029 6615121 .
9 Sexual relations have been called ‘ a non-competitive contact body sport ’ , which is simply a light-hearted way of emphasising the fact that competition is not involved .
10 I can certainly see no future prosperity while there is intervention and absurd support for beef under the special beef premium scheme , which is simply a further incentive to produce what the market does not want , either in quantity or quality .
11 However , the Prime Minister 's visit has caused a two-week gap between Cabinet meetings which is simply a logistical difficulty .
12 Where employees have a rooted substantive knowledge of what they are doing , rather than one which is simply a certified mastery of some abstract occupational or analytical techniques , then the institutional conditions appear to be most appropriate for such an achievement .
13 Among his own people , Jesus would have been called ‘ Yeshua ’ , which is simply the familiar biblical ‘ Joshua ’ .
14 Evaluation of the temperature dependence of the size of such a region leads to an expression for the co-operative transition probability , , which is simply the reciprocal of the relaxation time .
15 The right hand side equates this with the effect of an operator , the Hamiltonian , which is simply the observable corresponding to the energy of the system under consideration .
16 They have shown that , in the case where the Cauchy horizon corresponds to the inner Kerr horizon , the amplitude diverges towards the fold singularity which is thus a non-scalar curvature singularity .
17 Good morning Vincent , I 'm enclosing copies of faxes received this morning from New Zealand , and certainly the rate quoted is more realistic , then drop down a line and put eighteen by two point nine five pounds , oblique kilo , equals fifty three pounds , ten pence , next line documentation , twenty pounds , next line customs clearance etcetera , thirteen New Zealand dollars , I 'd say Irish pounds , three point three , O , O equals nine pounds approximately and total it up , eighty two pounds , ten pence which is approximately a third less as you see David suggests you lean heavily on Air Lingus and point out at the same time that Challenge Seeds have no intention of paying this exorbitant rate , also what is a consolidation rate ?
18 On Q.29 we answered ‘ means absolute zero ’ whereas it was ‘ minus absolute zero ’ , which is practically the same meaning .
19 which is practically the same as were paying .
20 The bureaucracy , which is largely a Communist nomenclatura , is still in place and that is worrying .
21 In fact I think it possible that in the context of hi-jacking we are developing the anti-tank weapon — one which is largely a moral weapon and lies mainly in the hands of political authority .
22 The resulting solution is then precipitated to form a transparent film which is largely a tangled-up felt of individual molecules , and is much less crystalline .
23 Where the services can not be seen as making an economic contribution , they are clearly improving the quality of life for members of the community , which is presumably the ultimate goal of raising productivity and standards of living anyway .
24 So everything in between has an unfulfilling lack of immediacy , and instead of being drawn more vividly into the drama ( which is presumably the principal justification for recording live ) we experience a remoteness that characterizes none of the studio recordings with which this version has to be compared .
25 Far better to build more advanced Airbuses for a new market than a Euro-fighter to take on a non-existent enemy which is increasingly an economic partner .
26 Far better to build more advanced Airbuses for a new market than a Euro-fighter to take on a non-existent enemy which is increasingly an economic partner .
27 Since the function of such a court is solely judicial and in no way administrative , the rule which precludes interest or bias on the part of the judge may be expected to be enforced more , rather than less , strictly than in the case of a licensing board , which is primarily an administrative body .
28 The most important source of indirect tax revenue is value added tax ( VAT ) , which is effectively a retail sales tax .
29 Yet in an organisation , which is effectively a large group , retention of power in this way by individuals can build up resentment and thus demotivate : ‘ Groups with very sharp perceived power differences between members are likely to have poor social-emotional climates … .
30 My group is suggesting they increase by five hundred thousand which is over a hundred per cent increase and I su I support this .
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