Example sentences of "[pron] is [conj] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Are not we entitled to be told the whole truth , as revealed by Greenpeace , which is that the total lifetime cost of Trident will be more than £23 billion ?
2 There is something more important , which is that the essential idea of the background view does not in itself conflict with our necessitation view .
3 ‘ I want to want ’ , the underground man 's lonely cry , is also his though he does n't utter it , and biting the governor 's car , like sticking the tongue out , is a one-against-all drumming of the heels of consciousness — but again with a difference which is that the biting extends beyond the notional ; it happens and it hurts , though it 's a minor foray compared with Raskolnikov 's spectacular eruption into actuality with the murder .
4 Such interrogatories shall bear a note at the end setting out the effect of RSC Ord 26 , r 3(2) , which is that the opposing party may within 14 days apply to vary , or have withdrawn , the interrogatories .
5 This is due to many factors , one of the more obvious of which is that the cumulative physical demands of manual work may well affect the worker 's health .
6 Hence fair play , one of the rules of which is that the eventual murderer shall be one of a small group , delimited in some way .
7 These authors argue that in the ‘ brideservice societies ’ , a category encompassing the relatively egalitarian hunting and gathering peoples and those that have a mixed economy of hunting , gathering , small-scale horticulture , the association of sexuality and violence , which is but a particular type of sexual oppression , plays a central role in all political and much social action .
8 Alternatively , to avoid this people come to feel omnipotent which is but a short step from wreaking the kind of destruction that offers little hope of remaking life at work anew .
9 My suggestion to you is that the only connection between them is basic human nature itself , namely that the heart of man is incurably evil .
10 One is that a long tail indicates an extremely fit male : to grow such a tail and carry it around will take extra energy .
11 When it comes to flavour , the difference between a TFTA turkey and a standard one is that a traditional bird is hung for at least seven days .
12 One is that no actual endangerment is required : the explosion need only have been inherently likely to endanger life , and the offence is committed whether or not anyone 's life was put in danger .
13 One is that the small river or stream was low one night as it was a particularly dry period , the innkeeper deposited the body as per usual , but by the morning it had not drifted away .
14 An important one is that the possible substitutes for man ( preserving grammaticality , but not necessarily semantic normality ) are virtually identical in the two positions .
15 Psychological research on human thinking suggests two alternative views of the machinery of the mind ; one is that the mental representations and cognitive processes are abstract , language-like forms manipulated by rules , and an alternative is that they are mental models whose structure corresponds not to language but to states of affairs in the world .
16 One is that the present level of unemployment must concern the health service ( and 1 have said nothing about other social problems ! ) .
17 One is that the light-sensitive pigments of the eye could also act as magnetic sense organs .
18 One is that the statutory services are not uniformly ideal and beyond reproach and those of us who have worked in and with them would acknowledge that .
19 Of ‘ all the oppositions that furrow Freudian thought ’ it can be said that ‘ one is but the other different and deferred , one differing and deferring the other ’ ( Margins of Philosophy , 17 — 18 ) .
20 There is though a real danger that Galway may have already played their All Ireland final , and that after their sterling endeavour against Tipperary they wo n't have sufficient left in the tank .
21 It was an unforgivable , though unintended , breach of confidence ; and it is but a small consolation to know that Herr Sussmeyer thereby gained a correspondence with a young woman which he has doubtless found extremely gratifying .
22 The surviving gateway to it is but a poor mutilated fragment , hardly a ‘ hallowed gate ’ .
23 Once such theoretical weaknesses are identified , it is but a simple step to weaken the right as it operates in practice .
24 The march of the matriarchal society may have been stopped here in the United Kingdom , but it is but a temporary halt , a moment in time .
25 From the dependence and normal justification theses it is but a short step to the pre-emption thesis .
26 Once the state arrogates to itself the power to decide on all economic matters it is but a short step to the physical direction of labour .
27 It is but a short step , and it logically follows , from the consideration of social reality as contingency and facticity to the consideration of the painting process itself in terms of such contingency and facticity .
28 It is but a short step from this to natural selection and evolution in the laboratory .
29 It is but a short step to relate the same topographical analysis to village plans and to suggest , from their regularity and consistency , that they may also have been planned .
30 It is but the momentary flicker of a candle in the dark .
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