Example sentences of "[pron] is [adj] show that " in BNC.

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1 She is able to show that both women and men are much more likely to be living with relatives after a marriage has ended than during it .
2 Grandfather used to say ‘ the day is a cock 's stride longer at Old Newerday ’ ( 12th January ) , but in the first week of the new year there is little to show that the sun is creeping marginally higher each day .
3 It is straightforward to show that the threat of minimax punishment forever is always capable of enforcing a collusive agreement which gives a firm a higher profit than its security level for some set of interest rates .
4 This was stated clearly in the paper that Thonemann and his team published in Nature on 25 January 1958 : ‘ To identify a thermonuclear process it is necessary to show that random collisions in the gas between deuterium ions are responsible for the nuclear reactions .
5 To test whether definitional overlap could contribute to such an application , it is necessary to show that where genuine semantic relationships are present between word pairs , the technique is sensitive to them .
6 Where there is a non-pecuniary interest it is not necessary to establish actual bias but it is necessary to show that the decision has given the appearance of bias .
7 To take the example given earlier , it is necessary to show that the statement about the toothache can indeed be paraphrased into a statement about the corresponding neuro-physiological event ( and hence that the occurrence of the latter event is a logically adequate criterion for ascribing the experience in the given instance ) , and this can not be done without making use of the premisses which such a proof might be expected to underpin .
8 However , in order to accept that such examples are evidence in favour of a Stem + Lexical Rules Hypothesis of entries in a mental lexicon , it is necessary to show that similar patterns of dissociation do not occur for other word-final fragments .
9 In order to accept that the data from speech errors are contrary to the Full Listing Hypothesis , it is necessary to show that the fate of inflections is different from that of other word-final fragments .
10 The reason for this is clear in Collins MR 's judgment where it was said that , in the case of a purchase of goods capable of a multitude of purposes , in order to invoke the implied condition , it was necessary to show that the goods were sold with reference to a particular purpose : … in order to give rise to the implication of a warranty , it is necessary to show that , though the article sold was capable of general use for many purposes , in the particular case it was sold with reference to a particular purpose .
11 It is insufficient to show that the brakes were regularly maintained .
12 It is easy to show that these two steps combine to give the required result .
13 It is easy to show that no algorithm that always prefers one source to another can be adequate .
14 Substitution of the Rivlin form for For sheet materials stressed in their plane one of the Then it is easy to show that who showed that a form , with f a decreasing function of gave the best fit .
15 For example , if we consider the English phoneme , it is easy to show that it differs from the plosives and in its place of articulation ( alveolar ) , from in being lenis , from and in not being fricative , from in not being nasal , and so on .
16 But because it is part of the school ethos ( for teachers and pupils alike ) that it is embarrassing to show that you have been hurt , people remain mostly unaware of the pain that these mundane disparagements cause .
17 Inside particle accelerators it is possible to show that the weak force and electromagnetism are two parts of a single ‘ electro-weak ’ force .
18 If one takes simply the early industrial period , up to about 1820 , it is possible to show that almost one third of rural households contained servants , typically young people in their early teens who left home to spend about 10 to 15 years in service before marrying .
19 Indeed , it is possible to show that there was a marked increase in the number of married children living with parents during the nineteenth century and into the twentieth century in cotton towns — quite the reverse of what one would expect if it is true that industrialization broke up the extended family .
20 If it is possible to show that existential propositions are equivalent to denials of the validity of inferences of a certain kind , then instead of talking about existence we can confine ourselves to talking about the validity of inference .
21 The general form is Under certain conditions it is possible to show that any functional y may be expressed in the form ( Frechet 1910 ) .
22 If r1 and r2 are the major and minor axes of the ellipse and A , B its widths in the strain and stress directions , that is , the strain and stress amplitudes , respectively , it is possible to show that
23 By calculating the arrival time of photons reaching the distant observer it is possible to show that the energy in the signal fades away quickly .
24 In both Devon and Somerset it is possible to show that some of the surviving medieval farmsteads represent former hamlets .
25 By means of thermodynamic arguments it is possible to show that entropy change is equal to energy transferred as heat , q , divided by the temperature , T , thus The change in entropy can , relate to either the system or the surroundings .
26 This is equivalent to the competitive processes of matching consumer preferences and cost conditions in a market with many buyers and sellers and it is possible to show that under appropriate conditions similar efficiency properties will characterise the ultimate equilibrium of the distribution of households across local authorities .
27 But it is easier to show that the Aquitanians ' identity as a people was imposed on them rather than felt by them in Carolingian times .
28 ‘ The kind of smell which makes sick people worse must interfere with the vigour and vitality of those who are well , but at all events it is sufficient to show that sick persons are injured thereby ’ , per Stephen , J. in the Malton Manure case .
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