Example sentences of "[pron] is [verb] that [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Which is to say that defences are being erected to protect the integrity of Western culture , of the Western idea .
2 Which is to say that directions are better than sentences .
3 To remedy this , he suggests that arts education must be shown to be " vocational " , which is to say that arts should be shown to provide education for living , acting , doing , knowing , thinking , and enjoying .
4 Which is recognizing that children play a vital r role in a lot of coun in a lot of families .
5 If deconstruction in a purest sense is only of limited interest to a study which is asserting that texts emerge out of a particular culture called the English Renaissance , it is also true that , fortunately , there is little pure deconstruction about .
6 Primarily , though by no means exclusively , it is the English middle class which , somewhat self-consciously , ‘ appreciates ’ the countryside — and which is determined that others will not ‘ spoil ’ it for them .
7 The first is traditionalism , by which is meant that Conservatives have an attachment to established customs and institutions , and , as a corollary , a hostility to ‘ sudden , precipitate and revolutionary change ’ .
8 Answer : nobody is denying that thoughts have qualitative content .
9 In reality , a well-conceived general course may be just as coherent as a narrower one ; after all , the study of classics traditionally involves two languages and three disciplines and who is to say that classics is not both general and coherent ?
10 Although research in this area is limited , what there is indicates that teachers ' negative conceptions of their black pupils often translate themselves into discriminatory practices in a variety of school contexts .
11 It is fitting that words should be spoken . ’
12 It is hypothesised that words processed at deeper levels will be better recognised than those processed to only a shallow level and that reaction times will be longer at deeper levels of processing .
13 Secondly , a wage-change variable is included in addition to a price variable since it is hypothesised that workers may seek to unionise not only to defend existing standards of living but also to attempt to improve upon them .
14 It is still maintained by the sophisticated falsificationist that theories can be falsified and rejected while it is denied that theories can ever be established as true or probably true .
15 This is not to deny that child abuse is a ‘ factual ’ phenomenon or thing , it is to argue that facts only take the form they do because they are interpreted within given contexts of meaning .
16 It is intended that managers will have greater freedom to make the service meet the needs of the environment .
17 This is a fund to which it is intended that LECs will bid competitively with the intention of developing innovative ways to help unemployed people into work and create jobs .
18 It is intended that loans will replace parental contributions and that repayments will be similar to mortgage repayments .
19 It is recognised that nurses must care for patients during recognised holidays but they should not be expected to be in the classroom .
20 It is recognised that signs , leaflets and labels have their place , but that the most effective communication takes place at the personal level .
21 In particular , it is recognised that agents may use some assets as a buffer-stock against unforeseen changes in net receipts .
22 The old system had fallen into disrepute because of its widespread use as a tax dodge , and because it encouraged conifer planting , but it is recognised that grants are not as effective .
23 It is recognised that assignments and case studies can also be significant aspects of learning and teaching approaches in the modules as well as being used for summative assessment purposes .
24 However , it is recognised that awards for comparable injuries should be comparable and in practice in an individual case the amount of the award is much influenced by the amounts of awards in previous cases in which the injuries appear to have been comparable , adjusted as appropriate in the light of the fall in the value of money since such awards were made .
25 It is said that Arabs have no compunction about reneging on a deal , that they will blow hot and cold , use the phrase ‘ God willing ’ to suit their own purpose , say ‘ yes ’ when they mean ‘ no ’ and generally confuse their more direct Western counterparts .
26 It is said that Farafrans know the night sky better than most people know the rooms of their own home .
27 By contrast , the Corinthians passage in which Paul speaks of male headship , and in which it is said that women should be silent ( a verse which is probably an interpolation and does not owe to Paul ) , he is concerned with a practical situation which has arisen , a situation in which the church , still insecure in a pagan world , was likely to cause scandal if it departed too far from social convention — and his concern is that it should not unnecessarily put itself in jeopardy .
28 It is said that vegetarians ( who do not eat meat or fish ) are healthier and live longer than meat-eaters .
29 Gwennap Pit was originally an amphitheatre created by mining subsidence , and it is said that tinners held their cock-fighting ‘ mains ’ ( matches ) in it , but in the eighteenth century John Wesley preached his fiery sermons to the large crowds of tinners and their families who gathered here .
30 It is said that Nos. 25 and 34 were taken out of service and loaned to the War Office for use as Searchlight cars .
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