Example sentences of "[pron] is [verb] these [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore , I give a simple diet , which is helping these children at this time of rationing .
2 Who is spreading these rumours ? ’ they wanted to know .
3 ‘ We do n't know who is spreading these rumours but the reason seems to change with each caller . ’
4 And unfortunately , unscrupulous landlords that are actually benefiting from this , and in a lot of cases , it 's not , people , people are n't paying , necessarily paying this rent out of their wages , it 's actually the poll tax payer who is paying these rents , er through housing benefit , and I think we should all be aware of the way in which we collectively are being ripped off
5 Professor Laski , who is scrutinising these developments , forecasts a very long-lasting depression because , quite naturally , the recession in production will shortly be followed by a recession in the general demand for investment goods .
6 It is emphasising these offerings rather than the connectivity software products for which it is traditionally known — what it now calls a secondary stream .
7 It 's all good-humoured teasing and winding up , and for my part I 've long since ceased to care whether or not anyone regards me as the worst climber in the world or some sort of antediluvian relic with no rights to any opinion on ‘ rock climbing as it is done these days . ’
8 It is hoped these teachers will notify the Office or Adrienne Ring , who was in charge of the stand , of the action taken and any results .
9 The strength and potential of the modern concern for curriculum development lies in the fact that we now realise how important it is to undertake these processes , and in a logical sequence .
10 The point may be stressed , for experience has shown how important it is to have these volumes always on hand for cross-referencing with later works , or providing new ideas for lines of investigation .
11 So clueless and misguided are these sorry types — so lacking in insight , intent and , bloody hell , a sense of humour — that if a great comedy show ever makes it to TV List magazine it can only be DESPITE the pony-tails whose job it is to shepherd these things to a laff-hungry public .
12 The animal will be aware of its prey in that it consciously perceives , pursues , and devours it , but it will be unaware that it is doing these things for the sake of satisfying its wants .
13 The family is doing fewer things , but it is doing these things rather well .
14 Mr Taylor must ensure a sceptical public understand that it is to obtain these securities for their less fortunate brethren that the highly-paid Premier League players have been asked to express a willingness to strike .
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