Example sentences of "[pron] is [verb] about [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ozone is an oxygen-based gas , most of which is found about 20–30km above the Earth 's surface in the zone known as the ‘ stratosphere ’ .
2 Arguments about absenteeism ( not borne out incidentally by the surviving wage-books ) are hardly relevant when one is talking about piece-work in large firms .
3 Derek Polson , a CCG storeman at KG Ethylene Offsite stores , showed he knows all there is to know about fork lift driving when he scored a perfect 100 per cent in his driving test — the first time a driver has achieved the maximum score at Hargreaves Training in Glasgow .
4 One realises from studying the affairs surrounding the Maxwell Group that the Opposition know everything that there is to know about sleaze .
5 It is learning about religion it 's an educational process and it has an importance , whether it 's learning about religion and whether its learning it as a cultural , historical and a religious er tradition of the country and that is what is important .
6 While he is speaking about child deaths , will he confirm that if vehicles travelled at 20 mph , only one child in 20 would be killed ?
7 As he is writing about speed , it is n't surprising that there is a breakneck quality about his work .
8 The descriptions and explanations leave no questions unanswered , the graphics are extremely well drawn so you can see clearly what the author means when he is talking about planting etc .
9 A human being needs to be able to make himself understood not only when he is shopping or buying a railway ticket , but also when he is expressing his feelings , explaining a principle ( of morals or mechanics ) , or when he is arguing about politics .
10 Nothing is said about residence orders , either that they can be made or that they can not be made ex parte .
11 Nothing is said about cross-examination , not even a request for the facility to be afforded if it would be compatible with foreign procedures ; no detail is given as to the manner in which the evidence is to be ‘ reduced into writing ’ , so that , for example , no preference is expressed for a verbatim transcript rather than a summary minute prepared by the foreign judge .
12 In medical schools a great deal is taught about the medical and other consequences of high alcohol consumption but little or nothing is taught about alcoholism , the addictive disease .
13 This is never the best solution ; as pointed out above , the centre of the file is the logical position if nothing is known about hit pattern .
14 If nothing is agreed about notice , the common law implies a term into the contract that it can be brought to an end if ‘ reasonable notice ’ is given .
15 As Britain 's only national pop music station at present , Radio 1 is most likely to interest aspiring rock and pop musicians , so I will explain its workings and policies in some detail ( although much of what is said about Radio 1 will also be applicable to Radio 2 ) .
16 It is certainly the case that in much of what is said about pension comparisons with Europe , areas that would lead to a substantial loss among some British pensioners , including those to whom my hon. Friend referred , are often overlooked .
17 Much of what is written about education seems to assume , with the best possible motives , that only what they get from their schooling , influences , or can ‘ make ’ or ‘ save ’ , young people .
18 These reality principles may be alluded to , or they may be disavowed in various ways , but in either event they set limits and conditions to what is articulated about racism .
19 What is striking about crime in Sri Lanka is the relatively high economic and social status of criminals .
20 But what is happening about traffic management in Oxford ?
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