Example sentences of "[pron] it [vb -s] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To me the Navy has always been unrivalled for the style in which it clothes ceremonial occasions , and these dinners , from the entry of the President 's party heralded by nautical airs from the marine band , to the ritual procession of the baron of beef through to the ( sometimes seated ) loyal toast , are no exception .
2 you know those orange drinks , which it says real oranges in nine times out of ten , it is n't there 's always some additives and what have you
3 The lineage of Unix System V Release comes from the SVR4.1 Enhanced Security release , from which it inherits B1/B2 security , but SVR4.2 extends the modularity of that release with the isolation of processor-specific source code modules from the main body of common code .
4 if the return to Conservatism is to be something more than the transient apparition of a spectre from the past , and its voice in national affairs not merely to be a sepulchral warning against the dangers of rash courses , the Conservative leaders must bestir themselves to some purpose … [ the Conservative Party ] must be ready to meet the programme of the Labour Party not simply with a non-possumus but with an alternative which will in some measure satisfy certain of the needs which Labour is concerned to satisfy , and at the same time avoid the perils with which it insists Labour policy is beset .
5 21 ) who explicitly rejected the ‘ classical doctrine ’ of democracy , according to which it embodies distinctive ideals concerning participation in political life and the relationship between political leaders and the people , and replaced it by another theory of democracy as ‘ competition for political leadership ’ : ‘ the democratic method is that institutional arrangement for arriving at political decisions in which individuals acquire the power to decide by means of a competitive struggle for the people 's vote ’ ( p. 269 ) .
6 One of the more striking aspects of the table of results is the way in which it highlights certain configurations of sentences which are almost invariable across all groups .
7 He surmised that every bird possesses a form of template upon which it tries different notes until it finds the correct ones .
8 It demonstrates the principle that the EEC 's worst-managed and least successful policies are those in which it has unrestrained jurisdiction .
9 It is not clear whether the date of composition of The Epistle of Mixed Life precedes or follows Scale 1 with which it has close affinities .
10 The late Sir Peter Scott was the founder , in 1961 ( WWF is the only one of the Big Three which has British origins ) , and international headquarters are in Gland , Switzerland , in the same building as the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources ( IUCN ) , with which it has close relations ( and which , in turn , is close to UNEP ) .
11 The Court of Justice is composed of thirteen judges and four Advocates Generals , who guard the interpretation and application of the Treaties and EC laws , over which it has final authority .
12 Moscow has increased the number of countries with which it has commercial dealings from four in 1960 to over twenty by the end of the 1970s , but the volume of trade has not exceeded $30 million with more than eight ( Argentina , Brazil , Uruguay , Peru , Bolivia , Mexico , Colombia and Nicaragua ) and it is only with Argentina , Brazil and Nicaragua that it has risen above the $100 million level .
13 And , of course , the state is linked directly to the sphere of production , for which it performs necessary functions , being also an arena within which the class-struggles are fought out .
14 A particular point of contention is likely to arise where a group claims that it was unaware of an intention to hold a march by a group to which it holds opposing views until some time within the notification period .
15 In particular , he suggests that the educational system has a marked effect on the production and reproduction of scientific knowledge , and criticizes it for the ahistorical way in which it teaches scientific problems , theories , experiments and proofs .
16 The Group 's share of results of associated undertakings [ hereafter called associated companies ] is included in respect of companies in which the Group owns at least 20 per cent of the equity and over which it exerts significant influence .
17 For one school of modern historians this programme ( to which it attributes transcendent importance in the development of Carlism ) represents a reversion to a traditional monarchy ruling with the historic Cortes and subject to God and the law , a via media between imported liberalism and the equally foreign ministerial despotism of the eighteenth century , a truly Spanish solution of the political problem of modern Spain . ’
18 AMERICAN scientists have uncovered a previously unrecognised aspect of the anti-viral effect of interferon , to be added to the already wide range of mechanisms by which it fights viral infections .
19 It assumes that a user wants to work only within NeXTstep , not on a Unix command line , something it claims other products have failed to realise .
20 Repeated failures in fostering are obviously very damaging to a child to whom it means repeated rejection .
21 The dog , as might be expected , looks in both directions — towards the grave , whose total incapacity to understand rights it shares , yet also towards the human being with whom it has appetitive instincts in common .
22 The company , which has been in the hands of receivers since February , faces the prospect of its production lines halting after a judge refused to rule that a crucial supplier , to whom it owes large sums of money , was legally obliged to continue providing vital components .
23 ‘ Why is it , ’ he asks rhetorically , ‘ that musicians in general do n't like to play Berliozz ? they themselves have told me it takes fierce discipline to play the music in true ensemble ; it takes a lot of rehearsal to sound fluent at the tempos Berlioz often requires .
24 I just like it when you open it it says happy birthday .
25 SHL Systemhouse , the new owner of the remains of Interactive Systems Corp — now minus the Lachman technology piece ( see front page ) — is targeting client/server computing and what it calls transformational outsourcing through its new buy , thinking competitor Anderson Consulting may be asleep at the switch .
26 IBM Corp is expected to announce today that it is switching to what it calls value-based pricing for mainframe software , charging on either a per-user or elapsed time used basis ; the company issued a cryptic statement in response to the Financial Times story alleging that Louis Gerstner had put the break-up of IBM on hold , saying that Gerstner had not said such a thing for public consumption and that he had no plans to do so .
27 In the enterprise of seeking to understand consciousness as something more manageable and decently scientific than what it calls ghostly stuff , it is understood as yet less than ghostly stuff .
28 The League , in a report on the KKK , cites what it calls secret meetings in North Carolina and Arkansas of the two most powerful Klans , the Invisible Empire and the KKK Knights , where leaders , including Thomas Robb , Slater 's mentor , told members to begin lowering the racist rhetoric and avoid lawsuits .
29 InfoNow Corp , Boulder , Colorado pioneer of what it calls electronic commerce , using digital technology such as CD-ROM , new media , security , encryption , digital transmission to deliver products , has completed a private placing of stock , raising gross proceeds of $1.65m .
30 If the BBC review degenerated into Tory revenge for what it considers long-standing bias ( a particular hobby-horse of Heseltine ) , then he will have failed .
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