Example sentences of "[pron] to [be] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I confess that in spite of the many negative sides I can see to you I would have expected you to be good management material . ’
2 Lévi-Strauss considers language itself to be one field of communication and the system of exchange and alliance to be ‘ the other field of communication ’ ( Lévi-Strauss 1970 : 496 ) .
3 In order to make the most of the exercise , some teachers thought that it would be very valuable to be able to read other departmental self-appraisals and for there to be general discussion of the appraisal .
4 He used stochastic simulation to examine the no-arbitrage price of the S&P500 , and found there to be little effect .
5 In the British Social Attitudes Survey of 1988 , 90 per cent of people thought there to be less respect for teachers amongst parents and pupils than 10 years ago .
6 It is argued that in view of the impotence of the House of Commons and the flexibility of the British Constitution , it is necessary for there to be some check on the activities of Government .
7 In order that is for there to be some change , whether er change er like having a page torn out or a change like moving from one location to another , there also has to be something that stays the same , mainly the subject of change .
8 If these world markets are themselves genuinely competitive , and if the domestic market is open to imports , then there may be little direct harm resulting from the pursuit of large scale ( though ideally one would wish there to be some scrutiny of the dominant firm in the context of the world market by a supra-national competition authority ) .
9 Therefore there is a real tradeoff involved , between the need for any bonus to he relatively generous when compared with a flat salary , and the need for there to be some bonus element .
10 Domestic oil interests , mindful of Mr Bush 's background as an oilman , would prefer there to be more emphasis on encouraging domestic production .
11 ‘ We have too much competition within the side for there to be any complacency , ’ Shelford said .
12 In any one place , the two species gain by resembling each other , because predators will treat them both as the same kind of prey ; but few predators move far enough for there to be any advantage to the Heliconius in looking the same in distant places .
13 I do n't want there to be any question of you being late .
14 I was too excited at being in such a strange city on the other side of the world for there to be any question of going back to sleep again .
15 BEATRIX : Well , I would n't want there to be any misunderstanding .
16 This situation arises in science whenever we deal with the macroscopic system , because the number of particles is always too large for there to be any chance of solving the fundamental equations .
17 Staring at him , then round at the circle of concerned faces , she whispered , ‘ I do n't want there to be any trouble . ’
18 Why — assuming there to be any accuracy at all in the biblical account — should the very populace which revered Jesus suddenly do a complete turnabout and demand , at the cost of his life , that a figure such as Barabbas ( whoever Barabbas was ) should be spared ?
19 We did n't want there to be any confusion so that people would automatically put us all into public services , because the majority of our members should n't be in that section .
20 Although the KDP were also in revolt at the same time , there were too many differences between them for there to be any prospect of co-ordinated action .
21 It may not be possible in every case where there is considerable pressure on those preparing the cases , when time is short , for there to be psychiatric evidence called , but I think in these cases where almost invariably disturbed young people are being discussed , an effort should be made to obtain psychiatric evidence .
22 Yet they were alike : Viola was a shade darker in skin and hair but the features were similar enough for there to be little difference between the two women in a picture .
23 Taylor wants everyone to be sunny side up after the World Cup qualifier to make up for the fact that no English club sides are left in Europe and give everyone — players and fans — a lift .
24 Having eight men from outside the continent in a race did not seem to me to be good business .
25 Well , there 's not much , there does n't seem to me to be much point in in having pink forms to go into pink files if there are pink forms that do n't go into pink files .
26 Investment trusts , with their lower charges , have always seemed to me to be better value than unit trusts but both are eminently sensible vehicles for PEPs and the ending of the discrimination against them is welcome .
27 It has happened too often to me to be mere coincidence .
28 Some 36 years later I was invited to become Patron of Vliegclub Grimbergen , which honour I took very seriously and when my Belgian friends told me of the threatened closure of this , one of the busiest of Belgium 's general aviation airfields , I could see no obvious reason for closure , other than what only seemed to me to be political bias .
29 The true explanation of title by [ adverse possession ] … seems to me to be that man , like a tree in a cleft rock , gradually shapes his roots to his surroundings , and when the roots have grown to a certain size , ca n't be displaced without cutting at his life .
30 The importance of these statutory provisions appears to me to be that Parliament has considered at various times and in various contexts the need for recovery of imposts paid but not due and has legislated in a manner which suggests that no such general principle as the Woolwich contends for was thought to be in existence .
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