Example sentences of "[pron] to [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We anxiously resigned ourselves to a long wait , and as the weeks passed we gradually got to know the handful of long-term foreign residents in the town , all of them eccentric survivors from days of former glory .
2 This is partly because , for reasons to be discussed later , we shall be confining ourselves to a certain class of creative person , viz authors : it would therefore be presumptuous of us to extrapolate from our conclusions to other forms of originality .
3 As with any other area of living , we need to commit ourselves to a Christian world-view and not be tempted to borrow from secular philosophy .
4 committed ourselves to a public right of access to information about the environment , including water supply , air quality , dumping at sea and radioactive substances ;
5 every night , we submitted ourselves to a rigorous curfew .
6 Of course , he did say that not committing ourselves to a single currency was the point of agreement that ’ all sensible people ’ would have .
7 We limit ourselves to a single question : has this treatment been proved to be safe and effective ?
8 This is probably acceptable so long as we restrict ourselves to a single group , like mammals , but there is some dissent when people seek to extrapolate mechanisms from non-vertebrate species , like molluscs , to the mammalian brain ( e.g. Hawkins and Kandel 1984 ) .
9 At another level this also happens when we commit ourselves to a particular religion or ideology .
10 Individually these are small matters but collectively they are important in the way we present ourselves to the outside world , or in modern jargon the way we market the profession .
11 And kill them , you say , and help ourselves to the great burrow ?
12 If we could shrink ourselves to the atomic scale , we would see almost endless rows of atoms , stretching to the horizon in straight lines — galleries of geometric repetition .
13 There are two options open to us : we can either mount a much more restricted display in the Library than originally hoped ( restricting ourselves to the two display cases in the Barrel Vault leading to the foot of the main staircase ) , or we can examine the possibility of creating a panel-mounted display which would go on show both in the Library and in other venues .
14 There , in the only cinema , we had a sadistic manager who delighted in not letting the kids into ‘ A ’ films unless we could con a grown-up into buying the tickets and going in with us , after which we would split up and go our separate ways , ourselves to the front row if possible , otherwise as near to the screen as we could get .
15 " We have no aggressive intentions and we commit ourselves to the peaceful resolution of all disputes .
16 Let us for the time being not take a stand on this issue but address ourselves to the whole phenomenon in its strong sense .
17 So let's really all commit ourselves to the national raffle and make it the biggest and most successful raffle Save The Children has ever had .
18 She was , he said , ‘ a great journalist ’ — ‘ We must recommit ourselves to the important mission to which Lernoux was devoted . ’
19 Their memory and remembrance — rediscovered and kept alive in historical reconstruction and actualized in ritual celebration — encourage us in historical solidarity with them to commit ourselves to the continuing struggle against patriarchy in society and church .
20 Yeah but Betty you 've given all yours to the bleeding bingo man .
21 Sociologists may , however , note that if God is converting someone to a particular belief , past experience indicates that He is likely to use a social means to achieve His end .
22 The significance of using this starting point , outside of the actors ' consciousness , can not be exaggerated , because it set Marx , Engels , and other Marxists on an analytical course which was fundamentally different from other social analysts of their time , and which to a certain extent still distinguishes Marxist analyses from many others .
23 An alternative procedure which businesses are increasingly using , and which to a certain extent obviates some of the disadvantages of seeking an exemption or negative clearance , is to request the Commission to issue comfort letters .
24 The type of drills and the order in which you construct them will depend on the structure of the new language and also on your own language background which to a certain extent determines in what area you will find difficulties .
25 Before going on to examine the more detailed contributions of Russian Formalism to specific areas of literary studies , it might be worth pausing to assess the Formalist position by comparing it with the assumptions which it had set out to replace , and which to a certain extent continue to inform ( albeit implicitly ) critical studies still being produced today .
26 Despite these complaints — which to a large extent were valid comments on BNB at the time of the survey — the main advantages of national bibliographies as selection tools relate to two of the factors mentioned .
27 Official and public attitudes towards older workers — which to a large extent determine the extent of their inclusion in or exclusion from the labour force — rest primarily on the demand for labour .
28 But why this peculiar organization of the horseman 's day which to a large extent cut across the hours of the other workers on the farm ?
29 Beck suggests that we have an automatic style of thinking which to a large extent determines the conclusions we derive from experience .
30 A sighted person can make predictions about the future course of tangible experience — falling over a precipice or hitting a wall — which to a blind man ‘ seem as strange and unaccountable as prophecy doth to others ’ .
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