Example sentences of "[pron] a [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 Have I a nomination for the office of Lord Mayor for the year ?
2 Have I a nomination for the office of Vice Chair of Council ?
3 and I a chair for the
4 This is reflected in an increase in funding for the biotransformations project , which a spokesman for the department said had been ‘ very successful ’ .
5 In case ( c ) the law is not so clear and frequently other factors are present out of which a consideration for the promise can be manufactured .
6 The understanding of the different ways in which meanings are conveyed is one area in which a vocabulary for the description and analysis of language is essential .
7 If an allotted day is one to which a Motion for the adjournment of the House under Standing Order No. 20 ( Adjournment on specific and important matter that should have urgent consideration ) stands over from an earlier day , paragraph ( 1 ) of Standing Order No. 14 ( Exempted business ) shall apply to the proceedings on the Bill for a period of time equal to the duration of the proceedings on that Motion .
8 ( 3 ) If an allotted day is one on which a Motion for the adjournment of the House under Standing Order No. 20 ( Adjournment on specific and important matter that should have urgent consideration ) would , apart from this Order , stand over to Seven o'clock —
9 ( 4 ) If an allotted day is one to which a Motion for the adjournment of the House under Standing Order No. 20 stands over from an earlier day , the bringing to a conclusion of any proceedings on the Bill which under this Order are to be brought to a conclusion on that day shall be postponed for a period equal to the duration of the proceedings on that Motion .
10 This is the only way in which a strategy for the political sphere can be developed .
11 Jen Longbottom says its a race for the country lovers … they try to take people to a part of the country where they would not normally get to … it 's not a race for softies …
12 Our work is not a solution for the area , but its a relief for the area .
13 The Lord Chancellor ( Viscount Dilhorne ) said that , as he was not himself a candidate for the leadership , if anyone wished to have any private talk he would be available .
14 There are various entries in Green 's diaries setting himself a timetable for the completion of series of plates for his publications : -
15 It 's faster , more revealing , gives you a feel for the person you are talking to and the chance to encourage off-the-record remarks .
16 When we receive the Goblin Steamatic in good condition , we will send you a cheque for the full purchase price within seven working days .
17 You 've got an address , if you give that to the collators departments they can give you a name for the occupier can they ?
18 It was yet another of the advantages of belonging to the working class , like always knowing someone who would send her son round to unblock the sink , lay a carpet , get the cat down from the tree , lend you a van for the evening or sell you trainers and tracksuits cheap .
19 Egypt 's ancient past is impressively recreated in the hotel 's interiors with its rooms adorned with original Egyptian paintings and ceramics , which will certainly give you a taste for the Egyptian Museum just across the road .
20 Shall I buy you a skirt for the beginning of term ?
21 Send the photograph frames by registered post to Hampton Utilities ( Birmingham ) Ltd , 15 Pitsford Street , Hockley , Birmingham B18 6LJ ( 021–554 1766 ) , explaining what needs to be done : the company will then give you a quotation for the work .
22 None of these military and diplomatic successes for Charles V was in itself a reason for the renewal of war in 1369 , though they strengthened his hand and were an indispensable preparation for the war which Charles believed would eventually reopen .
23 More significantly , as is already clear from our discussion so far , functional psychosis also contains within itself a potential for the very opposite of deficit , the occasional capacity for superlative functioning and high achievement ; this is the paradox of which we wrote in the previous chapter .
24 The main building at Jordanstown is designed around a central Mall , itself a spine for the 17 blocks of academic and recreational facilities and accommodation .
25 The main building at Jordanstown is designed around a central Mall , itself a spine for the 17 blocks of academic and recreational facilities and accommodation .
26 I 'opes as 'ow you 've got some pennies for me , so as I can get meself a bed for the night . ’
27 He rang up the hospital and got me a bed for the next week .
28 ‘ And that was not a hint for you to offer me a bed for the night , Miss Rose Fenemore .
29 There 's a couple of friends I know who might be able to give me a bed for the night .
30 The processor sent me a cheque for the value of the two missing films .
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