Example sentences of "[pron] and with [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The author met the leopard a couple of days later on a forest track looking very sorry for himself and with a broken tail !
2 According to the census of 1897 , only 43 per cent of the population were Great Russians , and the regime 's overt identification with them and with the Orthodox Church alienated the minor minority nationalities .
3 At the turn of the century only 43 per cent of the population were Great Russians , and the tsarist government 's overt identification with them and with the Orthodox Church alienated minority nationalities .
4 Only now , in love herself and with an inner knowledge that nothing could come of that love , could she fully appreciate what Travis was going through .
5 For Emerson I972 was a fine year : with a full season in FI behind him and with a winning car , he drove with assurance , confidence and verve , though still finicky if conditions were not favourable to him , as at Monaco in the rain .
6 Panic seized him and with a sudden curse he turned away from the wicket-gate of Clark 's Wharf and gestured at the others to get away .
7 Camb opened the door for her and with a crisp ‘ Good afternoon ’ she took her leave of them .
8 A loose stone unsteadied her and with a little cry of surprise , she fell .
9 Despite its immense size , it was severely underpowered : by the late 1940s , with BOAC refusing to use it and with no other customer , the project became an expensive white elephant and was ultimately scrapped by the succeeding Conservative government .
10 Next to it and with a connecting door , was a small kitchen about ten feet by eight .
11 Being gay for me meant identifying with people who were of a similar age to myself and with a particular way of dressing .
12 Comprising 250 lots and with a global estimation of around FFr4 million , the mirror collection was started by Anlen shortly after he arrived in France in 1958 , a virtually penniless refugee .
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