Example sentences of "[pron] and [verb] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 You do n't overtake , you just keep an eye on me and keep the same distance away .
2 He could have sat down with only one of them and achieved the same guidance on weight and machining capability , but three of them came to the meeting , which he thought typical of engineers .
3 Does n't matter which way you round you do it , that of , you can just switch them and get the same answer .
4 Begin with the questions that are obvious to you and using the same method move on to devise questions which will tell you more complex information about the candidate .
5 Which meant you had to try the mixing drop it onto the plate count how many you got out it clean out the machine and try another one and do the same again and the same again .
6 He could only imagine girls in the evening when they all walked along and Marie stopped in front of a shop window to see that her clothes and hair were as she wanted and they all came up behind her and did the same so they were like a group photograph on a record sleeve , wiggling their fingers and poking out their tongues and saying ‘ Yoo-hoo ’ to their reflections .
7 But grammarians intent on prescribing rules of correct usage preferred he over they and stigmatised the latter as incorrect .
8 ‘ This ban is a pain but I just have to get on with it and make the most of the top games I am allowed to play between now and the Five Nations ' . ’
9 There is a great temptation to capture all sorts of information for the sake of it and to keep the same information in several different locations .
10 Set up a lab like mine and run the same experiments , and anyone should be able to come up with the same results , for they do not depend on excessively mysterious skills or tricks , and science is after all , in the words of its most passionately admiring philosophers , public knowledge .
11 They will enjoy themselves and make the most of their lives like everyone else .
12 Stupidly , the English followed us and made the same mistake .
13 Dr Norman Davy used to point out to us and name the many different kinds of birds to be seen from the physics laboratory windows and I remember vividly the almost tangible stillness of those very early mornings when , on its roof , I whirled a hygrometer whilst recording the arrival of sound waves from gunfire at Shoeburyness in Essex .
14 Same mortgage as us and earning the same as Dave .
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