Example sentences of "[pron] of [art] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 to remember that teenagers normally go through the phase of being attracted to someone of the same sex .
2 In the absence of an analysis of heterosexism , heterosexuals can ( and do ) reduce our gayness or lesbianism to just living with someone of the same sex , thus enabling them to remove the possibility of challenge from our relationships with them .
3 Studies by Atkinson and Kincaid in Britain , Harrington in the USA , and official government studies in both countries , reveal a persistent and significant section of the population living in poverty-stricken circumstances at any one time , to say nothing of the many others , who , at certain crucial periods of their life ( e.g. the old , families with young children ) , may temporarily lapse into poverty .
4 The experience made me deeply grateful that nothing of the same kind , at least with current technology , can be deduced from prose .
5 Last night , Amaranth Wilikins had told Grunte that she had yet to make up her mind in which of the many debates she would try to speak .
6 How do human beings distinguish which of the many elements of the context are relevant ?
7 All non-productive wood must be cut out , and the skill lies in deciding which of the many buds are wood buds and which are fruit buds , and then in deciding which of the wood buds are likely to produce the most fruit buds .
8 If I want to count how many chairs there are in my college , I have little problem about deciding which of the many objects in college I am going to include in my count .
9 Carers are often confused because they do n't know which of the many agencies to go to .
10 Which of the many candidates would he finally marry ?
11 Describing himself as ‘ a retired fiddler ’ , he was reluctant to say which of the many festival events would be highlights for him , but could hardly deny , that one will certainly be a performance by his former pupil , Claire Roff , now 18 , who began playing the violin when she was only four .
12 The main aim of this Prospectus is to help you choose which of the many courses is most suitable for your needs .
13 But she did not know which of the many doors of the hall-way was that of their bedroom .
14 Evidence is all around us , and the first step in any research is for the scientist to decide which of the many facts are of concern to him .
15 examine with reference to their general compliance with these conditions , the several drawings bearing the numbers given in the enclosed list ; and to prepare a statement , giving first the Conditions which they assume to be required in the cases of each of the three classes of designs and secondly , showing whether any and which of the several sets of drawings selected fail to comply with such conditions ; and also in what respect , and to what extent , these conditions are neglected or departed from .
16 I need hardly remind you of the many emergencies that Save The Children has responded to in recent years .
17 But I am going to having said that I will tell you of the few accidents that have occurred over the years , and one of them was mine in the early days when I was learning th the full size removal job .
18 They were becoming very tired , and when they came back from their missions there was none of the former exuberance if everyone returned safely , and just fatalistic shoulder-shrugging if someone was lost .
19 On the west side , Ingleborough is a shadowy giant revealing none of the many wonders that attract its legions of pilgrims ; and to the east , green slopes rise with little incident to dark moors forming a distant skyline .
20 For none of the many examples does Taylor give us any account of the appropriate Darwinian thinking .
21 None of the several forms of government is condemned in itself . ’
22 None of the same calibre , I mean .
23 He was therefore as vital a figure as Salisbury , and in something of the same way : Salisbury was the link between the anti-coalition forces outside the government , and Law was the link between anti-coalitionists outside and critical Unionists within .
24 For a time he showed a certain curiosity about Liszt and something of the same kind about Wagner .
25 Similarly , er we have actually er taken something of the same attitudes towards windfall sites within the urban areas .
26 I never got good enough ( or brave enough ) to test her advice out , but , being by inclination an optimist , I would like to think that something of the same logic would apply to the National Curriculum and its tests .
27 An impressive university department might be staffed with the established academics who have lately confessed , in print , to basic doubts about the validity and purpose of English literary studies ; and it is hard today to think of any branch of formal literary study that does not reflect something of the same malaise .
28 I felt something of the same awe and excitement I had experienced four years before when tramping round and round Warwick Gardens with Chesterton , debating the execution of Charles I. Here was someone who ought to have been a member of the Society that G. K. C. had dominated at St. Paul 's from 1891 to 1893 .
29 Something of the same librarian 's desire for accuracy seems to have afflicted Gainsborough 's later nods in the direction of costume melodrama .
30 There 's something of the same blankness of effect , too , in Ismail Saray 's white sheet hung against red , the white perforated with large burnt holes .
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