Example sentences of "[pron] the [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Please could you tell me the ratio of male to female Platies I should have in my tank ?
2 The report , for the local authorities reports mentioned in the committee item is an attempt to give me the subject of car boot sales a fairly wide airing .
3 ‘ You 'll do me the honour of dancing ? ’
4 Can you tell me the year of manufacture of my two and a quarter petrol engine number 90110300A .
5 She said : ‘ I suppose selling newspapers gave me the smell for print .
6 It might bring down on me the wrath of Motherdear . ’
7 Those photographs brought home to me the abomination of desolation that is Croatia now .
8 yes , it also er imposes on me the obligation of course erm under G of article three does n't it ? which I imagine , but you can tell me if I 'm wrong Mr is the one , is probably the one article erm , part of the article under which such things is the insurance directive is er produced , but I maybe wrong
9 She gave me the wreath of myrtle , the saffron and cinnamon , the bread , the butter , and the rest of it .
10 And that led me the think of phetam , and to wonder again if it really did confer super-powers .
11 Erm you 've , you 've said kind o you said erm the k you 've ba told me the kind of case that , that one would try and present related to the fa the , you know , the erm the structure , the lack of repair of the flats .
12 ‘ Disney executives flew me out there and gave me the kind of treatment I 'd always dreamed about when I was an actress … bouquets , champagne , limousines , ’ says Lynda .
13 Nor were the books that Edward showed me the kind of thing I would normally have read — not , at least , as anything more than a casual browse among the dustier nooks of human eccentricity .
14 And Mr Hawick did n't seem to me the kind of chap who 'd put up with that . ’
15 ‘ Possibly because the new ventilation system I 've recently supervised being installed in a factory in one of the Arab Emirates has proved so successful that I have orders for two more , or possibly because I 've just spent four weeks at full stretch in a very hot country with very little relaxation and deserve a holiday — but more probably because I own a majority stockholding in the company I bought cheap and built up to its present eminence , which gives me the position of chairman and managing director and full autonomy in deciding what I do , where I do it and with whom . ’
16 Not for me the pursuit of excellence on the playing fields of England .
17 My readings in Zen , too , had shown me the folly of love , analysed it as an illusion among all the other illusions of this floating and temporary world , an emotion that by its very nature created suffering .
18 I determined that it should not happen again and it seemed impossible that it should for this time I should carry with me the foundation of happiness which I had found behind the wire .
19 Look what Jesus says here in Luke chapter thirteen , in verse twenty four , just let me pick a few phrases out , verse twenty four it says shall not be able in verse twenty five there was their cry Lord open to us and in verse twenty seven their response depart from me the result in verse twenty eight there was gon na be weeping it was n't gon na be universal , they were not all gon na be saved , they were not all just gon na be swept in in the last day and did n't really matter , you 're all buddies together now in heaven , not at all , this surely what Jesus says here makes it very clear that all will not be saved if at first we 've already mentioned in John er no sorry verse further on in John three this done verse thirty six he who believes in the son has eternal life , but he who does not obey the son shall not see life but the wrath of God abides upon him , there 's no suggestion there of being ultimately brought in to God 's heaven and ultimately being saved , no it is the wrath of God abideth upon that person .
20 One management even offered me the role of Fairy Godmother in Cinderella .
21 Petri often quoted the older man 's opinion : ‘ He called me his most genuine pupil and tried everything to further me , recommended me to managers and conductors , sent to me all the pupils he did not want to take , and was instrumental in getting me the appointment of Professor of Piano at the Royal College of Manchester , England , where I remained from 1905 to 1911 ’ .
22 But for me the agent for personality change is not hormonal .
23 But you 've taught me the difference between art and life .
24 They have prepared me well , supported me through university , taught me the difference between right and wrong , so that I know which I am enjoying at any given time !
25 He taught me the lesson of supply and demand for , although quite willing to swap , he demanded twelve of my Anstie spares for the one card .
26 The young men had been playing football against a team from the small local college at Adrar , the town which was for me the end of tarmac and the beginning of the desert ; for these city boys , it was the last outpost .
27 When I was eighteen she gave me the job of housekeeper in the big cottage she kept at Streatlam to entertain her friends coming to swim in the pool and play tennis .
28 I hoped a phone call late last night was going to be the chairman of Liverpool offering me the job of manager at Anfield .
29 Not long ago he was on the phone to me moaning about Paul saying , he wo n't give me the time of day .
30 If I gave an interview I was the greatest guy in the world but if I said ‘ no , I want some time to myself ’ , they would n't give me the time of day .
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