Example sentences of "[pron] call for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the Annual Report two years ago , I called for the careful co-ordination of export support services from both private and public sector organisations .
2 I called for the last time at the first house in the village and pressed the buzzer , but on getting no reply resigned myself to the long walk down the mountain .
3 To summarize , where know means " experience directly " , the knowing is frequently represented as accompanying the action experienced , instant by instant , throughout its duration — a coincidence in time which calls for the bare infinitive .
4 The fearsome overhang on the third pitch , which calls for the bold gritstone approach favoured by neither of us , caused further delay .
5 The deportees ' spokesman , Abdul Aziz al-Rantisi , said the UN statement was an attempt to bypass Security Council resolution 799 , which called for the immediate return of all the deportees .
6 Altogether 33 countries approved a draft treaty , drawn up at Basel last March , which called for the toxic waste trade to be regulated instead of for a total ban .
7 Mr Hurd 's speech this week in Luxembourg , which called for the European Council ( as summits are known ) to have strong links with a reinforced WEU , would not have been made in Mrs Thatcher 's day .
8 At the same time he unveiled a radical economic programme which called for the rapid transition to a market economy , and the " liquidation of inertia and conservatism " in the state bureaucracy .
9 Once , owing to a printer 's understandable failure to decipher my proof corrections , a book of mine appeared with a recipe which called for the whisked whites of 123 eggs … no reader has ever written to me demanding an explanation of this recipe . )
10 " In order to reflect the aspirations of all the people for national reunification , " stated Kim , " we call for the total openness of both North and South , by crushing the barriers between North and South and realizing free and mutual visits . "
11 The facts are there there has been a staggering rise in attacks and murders this union must take the lead we call for the British government to bring in legislation to ban the evil nationalist and fascist political parties , and insist that government strengthens legal protection for third country nationals .
12 They called for the temporary suspension of activities by all political parties , who were further requested to draw up a code of conduct to regulate their activities .
13 It calls for the invalid care allowance to be increased and extended in the budget .
14 Had they not supported it when it called for the major means of production to be taken over ?
15 It called for the special representative " to recommend , after discussions with the parties , measures which would assist in bringing an effective end to violence and in creating conditions for negotiations leading towards a peaceful transition " to democracy .
16 Then , in emulation of André Cipriani , he called for the middle class to join in the struggle for independence .
17 On Sept. 30 he called for the first time for dialogue to reach an equitable global settlement , addressing himself particularly to France which he had identified as more flexible [ see below for Mitterrand 's UN speech ] , although once again stressing that there would be no compromise over Kuwait belonging to Iraq .
18 We quickly downed ours and he called for the same again .
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