Example sentences of "[pron] work [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The men said their employer was thinking twice about sending them to work in nationalist areas .
2 One consequence of public anxiety is an increasing demand for scientists with the specific skills of chemists , geoscientists , biologists etc , who are aware of the contribution that their own discipline can make to understanding the environment and are sufficiently acquainted with other disciplines to enable them to work in multi-disciplinary teams .
3 ‘ Before I escaped from Rotterdam , I worked for British Intelligence .
4 For many years before coming to this place , I worked with young children .
5 I worked with full scale mock-ups .
6 Shaila : Until very recently I worked with Outwrite women 's newspaper and for those of you who do n't know it , it was a monthly internationalist feminist newspaper which published for about 7 years .
7 I worked on various things , but the reason I 'm here is that I spent five years with SimFic working on artificial intelligence . ’
8 when I worked in old Blackie that big old black
9 You see , I live such a pleasant life and have such a marvellous group of friends , English and American : I live a wonderful comfortable life , I work with nice people whom I can choose to work with .
10 I work at High House Farm Riding Stables .
11 Erm , I work for Scottish Women 's Football and the plans we have for this year erm , shall hopefully encourage more women to come into the sport .
12 I work for Special Operations Executive , Colonel .
13 I apply my paint with a palette knife , rarely using a crush , and I work in small areas using masking tape to create the hard edges .
14 I work in the Local Government but I work in economical development which is predominantly male , its building construction , surveys , architects
15 His office , which works in fine arts , craft , film and video and photography , may proffer straight advice on projects or simply point applicants in the right direction for funding .
16 There is also evidence that TV , as a technology which works by electronic scanning , effectively shuts down the functioning of those parts of the brain that reason and think actively and logically — the skills that have been associated with the left hemisphere of the brain .
17 Even in the wet , it was almost impossible to get the test car 's tail moving as it was fitted with Mercedes ' Anti-Skid Control ( German acronym ASR ) , which works like anti-lock brakes but in reverse .
18 Neuron Data , better known for its Nexpert expert system until it re-invented itself as a GUI development outfit , plans to push on into what it sees as a burgeoning market for software which can make an ISV 's job designing solutions which work across heterogeneous environments much easier .
19 Together with the London boroughs , the LAB attaches a high priority to helping to nurture the audiences , performers and producers of the future through its support for the arts in schools and for organisations which work for young people .
20 Unlike Acupuncture and Acupressure ( Shiatsu ) , which work through complicated pathways throughout the body called Meridian Lines , Reflexology works on a Zone principle .
21 It is because observers vary in their skill and experience that we have devised two related ‘ observation kits ’ which work at different levels of detail .
22 The Secretary of State has asked it to advise specifically on the whole curriculum context within which work on individual foundation subjects should be carried forward .
23 That interchange is extremely healthy because of the experience of management and politics which work in local government gives the ambitious solicitor .
24 Trichomonas vaginalis is a protozoon , a one-celled animal which moves about by means of flagellae which work like flexible oars from the broad end of this pear-shaped organism .
25 Most allow you to work in various colour modes ( RGB , HLS , or CMYK ) and to edit or apply changes to channels individually or collectively .
26 ‘ Do you work for International Models or another agency now ? ’
27 I said what do you work for Fat Sam ?
28 Close to the President for most of the New Deal years was Harry Hopkins who worked as Federal relief administrator .
29 Dr. Shahed Power , who worked on Gandhian philosophy with regard to the environment , graduated with Dr. Lorraine Robinson .
30 That team deals principally with that and then there 's the Community Development Team headed by John who worked with particular groups in the town .
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