Example sentences of "[pron] mean that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I mean that each image tries to express something that belongs to millions of people . ’
2 I mean that that couple of blokes
3 You ca n't imagine I meant that hideous model you sent round to stay with us , can you ? ’
4 Considering the recent near-miraculous developments in fibre technology which mean that synthetic fabrics can now imitate everything from silk to rubber while they absorb sweat , change colour , fill in your tax returns and remix Michael Jackson singles , polyester and cotton ( at the cutting edge of style in about 1953 ) is an insult to our national game .
5 The siting of the machine-guns inside the pillboxes provided interlocking zones of fire , which meant that each position had to be attacked and taken out individually .
6 The gist of it was summed up in the formula cuius regio , eius religio which meant that each king or prince had the right to choose the religion of his subjects .
7 Muscles stretching from the brain-case controlled a sideways-moving hinge , which meant that each side of the upper jaw could rotate outwards as the jaws closed .
8 Some indications of future policy moves , however , were to be seen in the increasingly tight controls on capital spending including the introduction of Housing Investment Plans ( HIPs ) which meant that individual councils had to agree the pattern of their housing capital spending with the Department of the Environment .
9 Although their American peers used mainly American guitars , these were expensive if available at all in Europe , which meant that home-grown lookalikes were snapped up by the hard-up young musos eager to perform — especially if they were reasonably playable in their own right .
10 Fundholding was initially limited to practices with list sizes of at least 11 000 patients , which meant that few practices in Scotland were eligible .
11 These bills of exchange almost invariably sank to a discount in terms of sterling , which meant that British merchants exporting to America lost money if they were compelled by colonial legislation to accept them as payment .
12 There had thus emerged a ‘ reverse yield gap ’ which meant that either share prices would fall sometime or interest rates had to fall .
13 The major benefit of the deal for BA was described yesterday as the sharing of flight codes which meant that transatlantic passengers booking on to a USAir flight in the US would automatically transfer to a BA flight for the Atlantic crossing .
14 Then , the average first-time buyer was borrowing 90 per cent of the price of his house , which meant that any fall would leave him underwater .
15 Duelling had been forbidden to serving officers , which meant that any duel would have to be fought in secret .
16 However , it would be wrong to have a system which meant that some countries set aside land so that other countries could produce more .
17 Five miles radius from the landing strip was acceptable , which meant that some ferry flights and spraying operations outside this area were unprotected .
18 Their paths are logarithmic spirals , which means that each orbit of the pole brings about the same proportional enlargement of their distance from the pole .
19 Many of us are shallow breathers ; we use only the upper part of our lungs , which means that toxic residues are not completely removed .
20 These can turn out to be expensive , making the return to work unfeasible for many middle to lower paid people ; they can also prove to be unreliable , which means that working mothers can find themselves alienating their employers through no fault of their own .
21 The particularly high rate of loss of manufacturing jobs in the UK and the consequent problems for inner cities and manufacturing regions would therefore on this reading be in part due to the relatively fragile development of Fordism , which means that certain manufacturing industries had remained relatively backward and therefore less competitive .
22 British Rail and London Transport have a massive expansion programme of new investment , which means that certain projects must be completed before others can reasonably be expected to begin .
23 Travel agents and tour operators often make back to back reservations which means that certain accommodation is booked over a period of time and as one group of guests depart another group takes their place .
24 THERE is a fetid and corrupt core to the prison system in Britain which means that one spark can cause a conflagration ’ — Frances Crook , director of the Howard League for Penal Reform .
25 The machines have demonstrated that even good players make far more errors of this sort than anyone ever imagined , which means that such errors have usually gone undetected and unpunished .
26 There is a controversy going on in America at the moment because President Bush has decided to cut his military arsenal which means that many people working would lose their jobs , and because of the recession there is not much chance of them getting other jobs .
27 Both newly separating couples and already existing lone-parent families will be brought into the scheme , which means that existing maintenance orders will be re-assessed according to the formula .
28 In fact there are six , including the background colour , which means that six colours have been used for this design .
29 The potential is underlined by the fact that the US market , with just twice the population of Japan , absorbed about 10m personal computers last year , against the modest 2.2m sold in Japan — although the comparison is distorted by the fact that the dedicated word processor is still a major force in the Japanese market , and 2.24m Japanese-language word processors produced in 1992 according to the Electronics Industry Association of Japan , which means that combined sales for word processors and personal computers are much closer to parity with the US market .
30 In Quebec as a whole , the birthrate has fallen below replacement level , which means that total numbers are maintained by immigrants .
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