Example sentences of "[pron] must be [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Himself is right : half of them must be in the pay of the Foley Street mob .
2 ‘ I have n't even seen the original series — I must be about the only guy in the western hemisphere who has n't , ’ he said as the cast walked up the plank in Irvine , Ayrshire , to inspect the Vital Spark for the first time .
3 Nowadays the public attitude is much more likely to be : I must be in the house at 10.30 to watch Sports Report or whatever .
4 I was beginning to think I must be in the doghouse for some reason . ’
5 This was not an area I was likely to visit but , nevertheless , my poor mother , hearing the report on the wireless , was sure that I must be among the casualties !
6 This gives us one combination which must be on the LM curve : it is plotted as point C in graph ( d ) .
7 Multiplied together , these give the ( 2 × 4 ) submatrix at the top left in A. The vertical partition in B , after the third column , and the corresponding partition in C , which must be after the third row , merely divide each summation into two parts .
8 Once the Hard Copy manager has decided whether to accept or reject the volume , which must be in the VOLCLOSING state , this interactive program should be run in the process directory .
9 Rage weakened here , and I thought quite fondly of the workman within who must be in the habit of bringing some overloyal pet to the site .
10 ‘ If you are n't on wheels you must be on the skids .
11 ‘ I wish there were time , my friend , but you must be at the Ebert Mansion by nine and it 's six already .
12 ‘ Then you must be about the only person in London that has n't heard , ’ Bragg said drily .
13 But you must be in the correct quadrant .
14 ‘ My dear , you must be in the picture as well .
15 She must be on the game , all right .
16 Born in 1930 , so she must be on the verge of retirement now .
17 From this a spiral staircase led upwards to a similar-sized room with windows on all sides , and Sabine realised she must be in the tower she 'd noticed on the way in .
18 She must be like the curlew , and concentrate all her energy on those who needed her .
19 I know how tired she must be after the journey .
20 And in order to understand it and one 's place in it , one must be as the universe .
21 The point of which is that , with a limited pool of capital , any increase for one must be at the expense of another .
22 One must be on the Left .
23 And I think the other one must be in the car .
24 We must be at the edge of the centre of the station , ’ Bernice said to Ace and Defries .
25 In particular , it might seem that if we observe all other galaxies to be moving away from us , then we must be at the center of the universe .
26 I agree with the Prime Minister that we must be at the heart of Europe , working with our partners to build Europe 's future .
27 England hooker Brian Moore insisted : ‘ After that sort of performance , we must be among the favourites .
28 For instance , if we want a trajectory that goes then we start in region 1 ; to get to region 3 we must be in the right-hand " third " of region 1 ; if we are going to go on from region 3 to region 4 , we must be in the right-hand " third " of that " third " ; and , to go on to region 2 , in the left " third " of that " third " , etc .
29 For instance , if we want a trajectory that goes then we start in region 1 ; to get to region 3 we must be in the right-hand " third " of region 1 ; if we are going to go on from region 3 to region 4 , we must be in the right-hand " third " of that " third " ; and , to go on to region 2 , in the left " third " of that " third " , etc .
30 In this greater society " there must be in the first place a certain order of ranks between the chiefs of these particular ones .
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