Example sentences of "[pron] way [adv prt] from the " in BNC.

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1 In the course of fifteen years I have slowly worked my way up from the people , together with this Movement .
2 I 've been doing my own story all afternoon , and I had to cover the opening of a new computerized diagnosis unit out at Barnet on my way back from the Sillick Memorial . ’
3 ‘ I happened to see it on my way back from the nursing-home and I thought it would go particularly well with the dress . ’
4 It was only eight o'clock ; obviously I 'd conked out some time before everybody else , and they were still asleep ( I had heard appropriate log-sawing-like noises coming from Hamish and Tone 's room on my way back from the bathroom ) .
5 Two of the firm 's directors , the general manager and many managers of the company are women who have worked their way up from the sales force .
6 But of course he was right about the trouser bit because Nan had a gay disposition and a very pretty face ; what he would n't admit to was that she brought in a lot of custom at the week-end , especially when there was a boat in and some of the sailors would make their way up from the quayside and spend freely on chocolate or toffee for their girls .
7 None are so ruthlessly exclusive as those who have worked their way up from the ranks .
8 Leaking wisps of smoke wormed their way out from the sides of the stoves ' doors , adding a pungent aroma of something like burning coal to the medley of smells produced by the man-high vats bubbling away on top of the bulging , flattened-looking stoves .
9 Two hours later they pushed their way out from the cover of the trees into a tiny clearing no more than a handful of yards across .
10 If they had bothered to get off their bums and ask some questions , they would have discovered that the pub in question was a regular haunt of the Parsons , who went there for lunch every Saturday on their way back from the supermarket .
11 Since Richard held Seillan responsible for much of the trouble he refused to release him , either for a ransom or in exchange for prisoners taken by Count Raymond , even though these now included two of King Henry 's household knights , who had apparently wandered into the territory of Toulouse on their way back from the shrine of Compostella .
12 Otherwise- so quick had been the retreat through the Residency , the men fighting their way back from the hospital and across the yard would find themselves outflanked and unable to reach the connecting trench .
13 A bad weather front feeling its way over from the west like a nasty white octopus in the blue summer sky .
14 A presence forcing its way through from the Other Side .
15 BRITAIN 'S second biggest housebuilder George Wimpey yesterday threw its weight behind hopes that the UK housing market is on its way back from the slump .
16 BRITAIN 'S second biggest housebuilder George Wimpey today threw its weight behind hopes that the UK housing market is on its way back from the slump .
17 The lakes huddled in the valleys — Lakes Grey , Nordensköld and Pehoé — were speckled with small icebergs , and at the end of Lake Grey we spied the white winding-sheet of a glacier edging its way down from the ice-cap .
18 TONIGHT FREE expression blasts its way out from the gloom and squalor in the shadowy shape of God from South London and Pain Teens from Houston , Texas .
19 The cirque was made , it seems , even before the period of glaciation , by water finding its way out from the mass if of the Monte Perdido behind and undermining the cliffs , though it was the glacier , shreds only of which are left , that eventually cleared this gigantic bowl of its debris .
20 At some stage in her sleep of exhaustion she drifted close enough to the surface of consciousness to be aware of a deep voice exclaiming over her , of strong arms that lifted and carried her , but in no way could she fight her way up from the smothering blanket of physical and mental fatigue .
21 Loopy Lil got stuck in a drift on her way back from the farm with the milk .
22 Jack ‘ Kid ’ Berg , who grew up in the East End ghetto , fought his way up from the streets to a world welterweight title in the tradition of oppressed racial minorities .
23 Having become interested in aviation as a teenager , he worked his way up from the workshop floor and designed his first glider in 1924 while still only eighteen , following this with his first powered aircraft , the VVA–3 , two years later .
24 Blackberry was about to reply when another rabbit came noisily through the thick dog 's mercury in the wood , blundered down into the brambles and pushed his way up from the ditch .
25 The store manager has worked his way up from the bottom and is now concerned with the financial side of operations .
26 Glover was making his way back from the start , where he had coaxed the temperamental Rambo 's Hall into his stall , and his swelling excitement as he listened to a radio commentary was confined in a swaying Land Rover .
27 Richard read of the fire in the newspaper on his way back from the county hospital .
28 He felt slightly uncomfortable , having seen three men in lounge suits on his way back from the bathroom ; the only clothes he had with him were casual ones .
29 On his way back from the cells one of the bearers had intercepted him .
30 The great Aboriginal winger , Chicka Ferguson , was on the wing with Canberra , and in the last minutes , when Balmain had already sent their two most powerful forwards off , and when Bob Hawke was already on his way down from the VIP box to present the shield to Balmain , Chicka scored a wonderfully impossible weaving and kinking try to tie the game .
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