Example sentences of "[pron] want [verb] at a " in BNC.

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1 I saw it erm I ran it — I ca n't remember why I was running it , oh I think I wanted to look at an actor erm , oh no , it was at a festival and I had to sit through it and I was very disappointed in it , I found it slow and rather obvious and erm a little lacking in bite .
2 If you wait five years it gets slightly steeper so the force to you becomes that and so on and so forth , forty five fifty and you can see at fifty five if you want to retire at a certain age er what 's the age that you actually want to retire ?
3 And , of course , you buy only the weeks you want to use at a fraction of the cost of buying the whole property , with all the facilities of the first class Hotel and Country Club at your disposal …
4 It looks the English breakfast fixing it up for , that 's what and if you , if you want to look at an X-ray , you will see that the arteries of the body , those are the arteries , bring the blood supply is blocked with arteriosclerosis , and there you can see the English breakfast , the yolk of egg , the butter and all these things that are in there , causing a blockage of the artery , not enough to that muscle , and a heart attack , death and all these unbelievable things , that give me a little bit of income .
5 A horse that has been continually galloped by one owner , is not going to change its expectations of being ridden just because it has been bought by someone who wants to travel at a more sedate speed !
6 One , we 're going to look at why well trained staff are , are so important to the C U , secondly we 're going to look at things responsibility training is and lastly we want to look at a systematic approach that you can take as training .
7 If we want to work at a high level of stress , however , anywhere near the potential strength of glass for instance , we must be prepared to keep the surface free from even the most microscopic cracks for , if even one crack is allowed to exceed the Griffith length , which may be only about a thousand Ångströms , catastrophic failure will occur .
8 I think one wants to go at a time when people still want you to stay , rather than stay until people want you to go .
9 ‘ If they want to go at a certain pace and not become a Top Five singles band you have to respect them for it .
10 The story is that four kings were on a journey to their coronation when , on the way , they wanted to stay at a hotel .
11 He wanted to stare at a free sky .
12 Following a meeting in early August between Sarney , Ferreira da Nóbrega and John Reed , chairman and chief executive of the US Citibank ( which as Brazil 's largest creditor was owed some $4,000 million ) , Ferreira da Nóbrega confirmed the government 's intention to continue to make the payment of debt interest dependent on the state of reserves , which it wanted to keep at a " safe " level of at least $6,000 million .
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