Example sentences of "[pron] then [vb base] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The blade is repeatedly thrust into the ground in different spots nearby until I get the best possible signal — and when I get that I then know the rabbit and/or ferret is immediately beneath the spade .
2 I then put a cream silk backing on the mount , again to keep the overall effect as plain as possible , since I planned to design a fairly full flower combination in the oval aperture .
3 I then knit a piece of lace fabric just wide enough to stretch round the base of the cone and long enough to cover it .
4 I then collect the grassbox and jog back to the front of the house where Pa is waiting .
5 I then prepare the paper myself using rabbit skin glue and whiting .
6 I then twist the plate forty five degrees and then keep doing that and Paul , can you see the ink taken up on the grooves there ?
7 Encrusting types spread onto the substrate , and it 's interesting to watch them producing root-like processes which then grip the rock or sand beneath .
8 The role of the media in creating ‘ crises ’ about the sexual abuse of children , which then set an agenda for official investigation , was further underlined when the Social Services Inspectorate published its report on the Rochdale cases in November 1990 .
9 In a similar way , even ‘ History ’ as a metahistorical category achieves its single meaning by subsuming a range of ethico-political concepts , such as ‘ progress ’ , ‘ human freedom ’ , ‘ necessity ’ and the like , which then form the basis of the regulation and authorization of historical interpretation .
10 To answer this question we are led back to the idea of big gassy planets like Jupiter spitting out small rocky ones like Venus , which then play a sort of cosmic billiards before settling down .
11 This is often picked up by the programmers , who then make the system more secure . ’
12 The Department of Social Security has clarified the National Insurance contribution position of directors whose personal bills are paid by their employing company and who then reimburse the company by reducing the credit balance of their loan/ current accounts .
13 It is for a bass and contains brief interjections by a four-part chorus of schoolboys , who then dance a bourrée with their teacher . )
14 Russell Foreman 's The Ringway Virus ( 1979 ) has a plot that stretches credulity to the utmost : a virulent virus spreads around the globe , the Israelis blaming the Arabs and the Indians blaming the Pakistanis , until nearly everyone is wiped out — except for a ‘ new Adam and Eve ’ who then inherit the Earth .
15 In principle , this accounting is no different from commercial accounting except that the depreciation charges are being made into cash flows from each hospital to the Regional Health Authorities , who then reallocate the cash flows back to the District Health Authorities and the GPs , who in turn buy services from the hospitals .
16 You then count the number of words of more than two syllables
17 But I suspect a lot of you would want to leave them with a matt finish , it 's entirely up to you Anyway when you paint , like I say , it 's just it 's because it 's porous it sucks the colour off the brush and er it immediately dries , so you can see , straight away , the colour it 's gon na be when you then put the varnish on you use a sort of matt varnish and so it brings the colour up but it wo n't be shiny or a shine , which you 're gon na choose like you might wan na matt varnish with this and shiny for the shell which ca it really brings the colour up , we wo n't get round to varnishing today erm and the other thing you can do , if you want erm a sort of a mottled effect you do pink in a base colour say Mikila wanted all greeny , bluey colours on that
18 You then put the point of the compass at one of the junctions and make another arc .
19 Now if you damage yourself by whatever way , and the classic one that we see at school is if you get banged in the eye in rugby , somebody elbows you in the scrum or something similar , you then get a swelling caused by what ?
20 The reason for this becomes clear if you use an annular stimulus ; you then get a response at the opposite phase to that for a central stimulus , and there is antagonism between these two regions , so when you illuminate both together there is little or no response ; they cancel each other out .
21 Now when those people in Parliament are absent , by their silence , they may be there , you do n't always see 'em , you then get a bit annoyed , but I tell you , you get bloody annoyed when they walk past you , which happened to me and to the regional delegates at Lancashire North West Labour Party , I wo n't name who they are , but they did n't even acknowledge us .
22 Erm so what you get is you get Rogers this week working with client and then you get Arnold Lazarus the following week and then after that you then get er you then get then you then get the client saying what she thought of it all which is quite interesting as well , so erm what I 'll do is I 'll put it on to about when finished really
23 If you then take the cursor up one line and press the delete key you will have deleted the tab .
24 If you then take the point that it 's beyond the greenbelt , again you 've limited the area of search and if we take the point that Mr I think put across so well that it 's consistent with sub-regional policy , you already immediately then rule out that part of the erm area round Greater York that would have greatest impact on the Leeds Conurbation .
25 After a few rubs , you then take the hand away , look at it and say ‘ Has it gone yet ? ’
26 If you then lift the mixer level to compensate , the background noise comes up too , and this can be very noticeable .
27 You then remove the batten , using the first row of tiles as the guide for the second , and so on .
28 You then request the court to order the sale of the assets so you can recover your debt .
29 You then make the coin return by saying to the child that you think it is coming back in her ear .
30 The awful thing is that the movies that I 've been involved with in the last erm few years have entailed my being abroad a great deal , and I was made in New York entirely and I was there for six or seven months , and the difficulty is that when you then make the movie and you take it round the world , you 're away for another three or four months and so you end up being out of the country for quite a long time , so I 've been nothing like as active with the university .
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