Example sentences of "[pron] could [vb infin] [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 I want to be a social worker so I could do something for these girls . ’
2 ‘ I wish I could do something for them , ’ she said , and the concern in her voice was now innocent of duplicity .
3 I popped in on yer to see if I could do anything for yer , like did yer want a medical bandage that I could get cheap .
4 I could do it for thirteen .
5 I think we could all do what Andrew 's suggesting quite easily er I could do it for Geography , erm , I just think it 's making a lot of extra work .
6 ‘ I ca n't do it ! ’ she had to tell her , and , when her sister 's look suddenly became hostile , ‘ I 'm sure if you wrote to Mr Gajdusek , or phoned him — or I could do it for you , ’ she volunteered hastily , not wanting to be bad friends with her , now of all times .
7 erm I could lecture you for hours at a time on the subject .
8 If I were to ask a school-teacher to choose for me a sample which she considered to be a fair cross-section of her pupils so that I could interview them for a survey , there would almost certainly be a personal bias in the sample given to me .
9 erm , so I would come up the town with you if I could think what for
10 ‘ Yes , well you just said I could have it for thirty .
11 I could have you for that ! ’
12 ABBERLEY : Promise me not to — I could kill you for making me ask you that .
13 When I did Nurse Ratchett in One Flew Over The Cuckoo 's Nest up in Manchester I read the novel and found a speech in the book that was really wonderful on the character and I asked the director if I could read it for him .
14 I could ask them for details of Dr Kingdom 's visit in November .
15 Then I could keep it for many months .
16 And Lawrence confirmed yesterday : ‘ I would not discount making a move if I could get him for something like £700,000 . ’
17 I could sue you for that .
18 I could wordprocess it for you
19 My father was the sweetest man in the world and there was nothing I could fight him for , or do against him , or he against me , because nothing was said that I did n't agree with , or he did n't agree with , because I was a very easy child .
20 And I rang them and see if I could cancel it for the Monday and he only , the doctor does n't sit on the Monday , so I 've got
21 I did n't realise that I could enjoy it for myself , not just for him .
22 ‘ Well now , I could see her for a moment .
23 I was told I could see him for an hour but they got held up on the way and I was rushed through the visit .
24 I wish I could see you for myself all the same . ’
25 I started playing when I was seven , so by the time The Stones happened it was not difficult for me to play , so I could appreciate it for the music alone .
26 ‘ Not God himself could do anything for him . ’
27 I 've often asked , but nobody could tell me for certain . ’
28 Er but nobody could tell me for certain what it was that they intended to use it for , er but it was apparently not guaranteed that it would continue to be used er as a market hall .
29 Nobody could blame her for taking life as seriously as she 'd had to , but the way to some kind of peace and personal balance would surely lie in the opportunity to stop running and relax a little .
30 Nobody could blame you for it . ’
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