Example sentences of "[pron] take up the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Then I took up the double bass and organ for good measure .
2 It concluded ‘ that there would be little trouble in finding someone to take up the unassigned bonds when it is known that bonds in Sunningdale and other golf links have increased nearly 50% since their issue ’ .
3 So that second verse is one which takes up the traditional Jewish prejudices and turns them upside down , one by one .
4 Similarly , the hero of The Prelude is taken from the ‘ educational processes ’ of the Lake District , Cambridge and so on , which take up the first half of the poem , and engages with society and history in the conflicts of the French Revolution ; the Revolution is not to be taken as a purely fortuitous occurrence , but the main event of the time , that which separates off the Modern Age from all that had gone before .
5 Most bacteria come into the category either of Gram-positive , which take up the purple stain , or Gram-negative which do n't .
6 But Haslam points out that the competitor who takes up the new technology when the patents expire does not suffer from this halo effect .
7 From this , Mrs Lamport discovered she had misread one name and her researches into Mrs Piggott were scrapped while she took up the new challenge in the name of Mrs Pigou , a theatre-goer of French origin .
8 She took up the beautiful veil you bought me , put it on her own head , then turned to admire herself in the mirror .
9 Then she took up the discarded tray and looked back at him where he stood now , leaning against the wall between the French windows , his silver flask of brandy open as he sipped defiantly , watching her with a black scowl on his face .
10 Another critic who took up the moral cudgels against the ‘ spicy ’ jokes and suggestive songs described how ‘ this kind of garbage is part and parcel of the repertoire of nearly every music hall in the kingdom … it puts decency and clean-living at a discount , and it glorifies immorality all round ’ .
11 You , you take up the normal I do n't tend to do this , but this is really the best way to do the shot .
12 It is time we took up the second of my headings , language as screen .
13 We took up the lost threads of our writing together with even greater dedication .
14 We take up the fourth book and find ourselves with a work which , if we are not Latin scholars and particularly interested in medicine , might seem a dull dog .
15 Whether nationalization improves the efficiency of resource allocation , or whether we would do better to privatize existing public corporations , is an issue we take up the next chapter .
16 I have here a copy of the committee which was formed that night , and also a copy of the minutes , I 'll give each Councillor one , and then they can read it at their leisure , instead of me taking up the whole meeting .
17 Ever the professional , he silently directed his men with hand signals , ensuring that they took up the correct positions .
18 And then of course erm would it be later that they took up the English miners ?
19 In their progress they took up the whole width of the footpath .
20 Instead it takes up the double aspect , Januslike posture of any interpretation .
21 Right at the beginning of his book Renaissance and Renascences in Western Art , in the first chapter called ‘ Renaissance : self-definition or self-deception ’ , he takes up the old idea that the Renaissance was the expression of a specific ‘ spirit ’ .
22 He took up the remote controller and did the ever-popular ‘ Channel Hop ’ .
23 They walked round all day with their heads slumped between their shoulders like this ’ — he took up the appropriate attitude — ‘ instead of like this , as the British do . ’
24 He earned his first Chair , at Southampton , in 1972 , and in 1981 he took up the oldest and most senior Chair of Archaeology in Britain , the Disney Professorship at Cambridge , where he is presiding over a great expansion of archaeological studies there with the creation of the Macdonald Institue for Archaeological Research .
25 He took up the daily routine of his swim again , and one afternoon when he was in the sea there was a visit to the bungalow by Timothy Gedge .
26 So he took up the longest and sharpest , wrapping its hilt round in his leather apron , and waited .
27 It was located on Ocean Drive , between C and D ; it took up the entire block .
28 The scheme will be targeted at 25–35 year-old chemical engineers or chemists to encourage them to take up the available lecturing academic posts and to carry out teaching and research on environmental issues .
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