Example sentences of "[pron] see as a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One might , thus , fantasise the death of someone seen as a threat , or imagine oneself as possessing enormous fame or wealth .
2 ‘ The company had a very cosy club atmosphere , which I found quite difficult to cope with in terms of what I saw as a lack of professionalism . ’
3 The President accepted his scrap of twisted limb with a gracious smile and said , on Susan 's advice , ‘ I am delighted to receive this gift which I see as a symbol of the cultural and commercial interdependence of the planets .
4 But it can lead to trouble : many of the problem children I see as a child psychologist are ‘ precious ’ .
5 I 've started to talk to Alan about what I see as a lack of , of management time erm in this division .
6 The limitations are the lack of footswitching between the clean/crunch and OD1/OD2 modes , and that I see as a drawback ( unless you find you prefer one or the other and stick to it ) .
7 WHEN I read the opening words of your jazz columnist Solly Lipsitz on August 26 , ‘ As this will be my final Thursday column ’ , I felt that I should express my feelings at what I see as a matter which will be of deep concern to the entire jazz fraternity in Northern Ireland .
8 Owing to what she sees as a lack of gratitude , she threatens to refuse to continue with the caring tasks .
9 Although a lifelong Labour voter , influenced by the poverty she saw as a teacher , Mrs Hughes spoke of how Mrs Thatcher ‘ gave me a lovely tour of No 10 and I thought she was such a nice person ’ .
10 Those obviously include all the further education colleges that do the basic um and the basic things and then the H N C H N D it gives you the open learning things which includes then the private sector people communicate and all sorts of other agencies , erm it depends really what you see as a beginner , do you mean a beginner in the communications field in its entirety , or do you mean a beginner as an in-house industrial editor or a freelancer by definition a beginner is not likely to be a freelancer ?
11 Decide on the changes you see as a priority .
12 The new emphasis was not universally approved of , purists objecting to what they saw as a tendency for accountants to look a project over and approve or disapprove of it from the beginning .
13 What they saw as a problem , he saw as a challenge .
14 Rose 's coming to the house had smoothed their lives and allowed them to concentrate everything on school and study , which , above all , they saw as a way out of the house and into a life of their own .
15 That is to say , all seized on an element of structural and formal strength in his work , which they saw as a corrective to the formlessness which had characterized so much French painting since the Impressionists had insisted on the validity of an instantaneous form of vision , that had so often dissolved the solidity of the material world into a haze of atmospheric colour and light .
16 The LDP forced it through its committee stages in the House of Representatives — the Lower House of the Diet — on Nov. 27 , thereby causing a brawl to erupt amongst legislators angry over what they saw as a flouting of established procedure .
17 Belgium , France , West Germany , the Netherlands and Luxembourg reached a draft agreement in March 1989 providing for the abolition of their respective border controls by the beginning of January 1990 , in what they saw as a model for the complete abolition of customs posts throughout the EC after 1992 .
18 There were demonstrations in Moldavia ( renamed Moldova ) calling for greater control over local affairs , and in particular for official status for the Moldavian language ; there were counter-demonstrations by the republic 's non-Moldavian population , more than a third of the total , against what they saw as a form of reverse discrimination ( Russian , in the event , was retained as a means of inter-nationality communication ) .
19 Increased immigration militated against the absorption of new arrivals in existing Shetlander networks ; while at the same time it was accompanied by the creation of new networks composed of incomers -incomers found shared interests in what they saw as a frontier zone .
20 This mechanism is social stratification , which they see as a system which attaches unequal rewards and privileges to the different positions in society .
21 The fact that there are parts of Britain which have clambered out of real poverty , and primitive housing , within the lifetime of my own generation they see as a hope and a challenge .
22 Some reserve a special anger for France , the Maghreb 's former colonial power , because of what they see as a betrayal of its politique Arabe .
23 Shop stewards and employees at the factory are angered by what they see as a sell out of British workers :
24 Traders have hit back with a T shirt campaign , warning town shoppers and town planners alike of what they see as a threat to the very fabric of the town centre .
25 MP after MP is returning from awkward constituency surgeries in the shires with tales of hard-saving but far-from-affluent constituents , Tory to the marrow , boiling with rage at what they see as a government out of touch and misdirected .
26 It is a feature of modern administration in medical care at any level , whether the team on the ward or the hospital board or any other body , that they assert and seek to defend what they see as a right to autonomy and self-government , while using and distributing to a greater or lesser extent public resources .
27 They come in , widen a few roads , build a couple of schools , and keep a firm hold over what they see as a bunch of ‘ upstart blacks ’ . ’
28 But the ever-increasing majority of church members who want women to be ordained as priests have consciences too : they are hurt by the slowness of the Church of England 's response and feel bound to follow what they see as a movement of the Holy Spirit in our time .
29 Stalinist And once again the mad axemen from Wapping and elsewhere will be sharpening their stilettos ( knives not heels ) in the hope of finally despatching the manager they see as a soccer Satanist .
30 Koontz , O'Donnell and Weihrich formulate the principle that ‘ since people tend to follow those whom they see as a means of satisfying their own personal goals , the more managers understand what motivates their subordinates and how these motivations operate , and the more they reflect this understanding in carrying out their managerial actions , the more effective leaders they are likely to be . ’
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