Example sentences of "[pron] see the [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Even though the portrayal of police work on celluloid is not a realistic description of policing in Easton , the conceptualizations they have of their role as fighters of ‘ big crime ’ , which they have to be continually prepared for , encourages them to see the media portrayal of policing as accurate , thus completing the circle .
2 If so , it may only be necessary for me to see the Executive Summary to get the gist of its conclusions .
3 Only before embarking on a major expedition have I seen the tension surface in Andy .
4 I saw the knife flash , a cold gleam as the man swung his arm back to strike at Ward 's belly .
5 It was a great thing the other day when I saw the combine harvester coming up the glen .
6 But not before I saw the speedometer register over 100 mph and decided to fasten my seat belt .
7 I saw the shipping company 's advertisement and decided to apply .
8 I sat there a long time , bored , with a cold bottom , and I was about to open the pub door to tell him I was going home when I saw the organ grinder trundling his barrel-organ down the street .
9 I think it was when I saw the London policeman wagging a finger at a scowling urchin that I thought of Wesley Binks and the time he put the firework through the surgery letter box .
10 In my mirror I saw the ford taxi moving up on me fast .
11 Almost one might , says the other Robert , and I saw the seed fall on fertile ground , and there he 's tended it ever since .
12 I saw the stage version .
13 And I saw the science club one about the bones .
14 I thought within myself , ‘ With what eyes these poets see nature ! ’ and ever after , when I saw the sun-set stream upon the objects facing it , conceived I had made a discovery , or thanked Mr Wordsworth for having made one for me !
15 I saw the creature jump at Sir Henry and throw him to the ground .
16 ( 16b ) I was glad I saw the police car come around the corner .
17 I saw the glass case over the mantle , filled .
18 I had on the Ring of Luned that brings invisibility , and I saw the Glass Castle and the chains hanging in the Great Tower .
19 I saw the Wing Commander who was to do the reconnoitre and give the signal for the fusing of the lights talking anxiously to Ryan .
20 I saw the producer price figures issued this morning , and they are good news .
21 Then , unbelievably , I saw the line move up the river .
22 I 'll see you , phone you one day in the week , I saw the post lady coming up the drive and I said to Henry who 's that , he threw himself against the top window so there was indeed someone coming up the drive , tore into the dinning room , picked up his tennis ball , raced back to the window and wow , wow , wow , with his ball in his mouth , and I said Henry you 're really going to frightened off intruders with a ball in your mouth , I said .
23 I was half way up the road when I saw the fire engine come .
24 This bizarre characteristic did not disappear with the end of the war , for when I visited her home during a sugar shortage in the 1970s , I saw the dining-room mantelpiece piled high with two-pound bags — enough , surely , to satisfy the most desperate sweet-tooth for months , or even years , to come .
25 In the morning I saw the flute player — a small green frog , like an emerald brooch to adorn a tree .
26 I saw the tiger stagger .
27 I 'm just waiting until I see the granddaughters dear and then I shall say right !
28 cos all them , so oh and talking about that , I see the Manor House er you know the one on The Chase
29 ‘ What I am conscious of when I see the colour blue ’ , says Mill ‘ is a feeling of blue colour ’ — a feeling excited in my mind by the outward object .
30 The sooner I see the Sorbothane range of protective sports equipment , the better I 'm going to feel .
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