Example sentences of "[pron] who [vb base] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But it is fair to assume that every time he sees people outside his own immediate entourage , there will be some among them who have a deep desire for vengeance .
2 Many of the traditions and crafts of ancient Wales are evident in the countryside and a host of pastimes are available for active holidays or , for those of you who prefer a quieter pace , picturesque drives together with walks along the coast and inland .
3 There 's enough space for whose who want a challenging gallop and captivating scenery all around for those who prefer a more leisurely pace .
4 It 's blokes like him who get the National Health Service a good name .
5 It will be they who commit the most crime , it will be they who will stick two fingers up to conventional mores .
6 In short Locke is plainly saying , it seems to me , that anyone who say a French man buys a holiday home in England , reversing the general trend nowadays , erm Locke is saying he 's still a French man .
7 In all five departments it is the planners themselves who use the online services , although one had a clerical assistant to undertake the bulk of the work .
8 Those of us who remember the horrid cruelties applied to Frank Williams in the days when he was generally considered ‘ Wanker Williams ’ , an outsider with no chance to make good , can remember how it felt for Emerson to climb down off his mountain and to try to make good in a changing and by then wholly different world .
9 He told Mr Major : ‘ This is a well-deserved honour for you and a great encouragement for all of us who hold the same convictions . ’
10 Those of us who support the European Community and the Single European Act ( which I voted for as it stands ) reject his misleading allegation that we think ‘ democracy is at risk through our continued membership of the European Community ’ .
11 Accessed from the body end , the truss rod is the old ‘ slotted head ’ type , which needs nought but a humble screwdriver to adjust : good news for those of us who find the successful storage of appropriate Allen keys in accessible places an impossible task .
12 Those of us who want the Scottish people to stay in the UK can see nothing logically wrong or abhorrent in the UK developing its constitutional relationship with its community partners .
13 In his message of greetings to Mr Major — in which he used the intimate German du form of address , rather than the formal Sie he uses in exchanges with President Franois Mitterrand — Mr Kohl emphasised that the election result was ‘ a deserved honour for you and a great encouragement for all of us who share the same convictions ’ .
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