Example sentences of "[pron] who [verb] [verb] me " in BNC.

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1 And so this woman , she did n't preach a sermon , but she does give her a testament , she goes back and she gets the folk in the village , and she says , come see someone , meet someone , let me introduce you to someone who has told me everything that I have ever done !
2 The police had found somebody who had seen me on my island at the time of the murder , and so the judge let me go free .
3 I would just like to thank everyone who has supported me , family , friends , and everyone else .
4 I would just like to thank everyone who has supported me , family , friends , and everyone else .
5 " I do n't quite know whether it 's you who 've persuaded me , Fiver .
6 ‘ I thought it was you who wanted to see me . ’
7 One who had given me invaluable help in tracking down German sources and participants was a sixty-year-old cultural attaché at the German Embassy by the name of Herbert Sulzbach .
8 I quickly found one who agreed to supply me with a dozen apples for threepence as long as I could guarantee the same order every day for the next month .
9 She was the one who refused to let me see my father . ’
10 He will be reminded of the saying of Jesus , ‘ ’ He who has seen me has seen the Father . ’
11 Faith , by contrast , approaches Jesus with a radically different attitude , recognising in him the revelation of the invisible God , believing that it is true that ‘ he who has seen me has seen the Father ’ .
12 But no , this ai n't Alvin Stardust , and anyone who tries to lump me with these people gets the wrath of Harley straight on their head . ’
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