Example sentences of "[pron] who [verb] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 They convey to someone who belongs to the same culture a lot of information about the person who is wearing or carrying them .
2 Surely , a full life even for someone who lived to the advance age of 92 .
3 A new face is a new focus of interest , whether it 's someone the client already knows or someone who comes to the Home on a Friday to do movement or dance , drama , music therapy or a slide show .
4 Eventually it was the Reverend Randolph Burdon himself who came to the door , looking a little surprised , as if he had expected somebody else .
5 She 's somebody who comes to the door and tries to sell you some make-up and perfume and toys and things .
6 And the Exel Ladies Leisure section thank everyone who responded to a Bosnia appeal by helping to fill nine boxes at collection points in Dyce with toiletries , clothing and toys , which were transported to Bosnia by the charity Edinburgh Direct Aid .
7 Then I arranged a wake and everyone who came to the wake contributed .
8 It is quite staggering to everyone who listens to the right hon. Member for Islwyn ( Mr. Kinnock ) how terrified he and his party are of tax cuts .
9 And it 's not everyone who comes to a meeting who wants to see you win .
10 I do n't know what happened , but over the years it was me who came to the band 's aid when it was needed .
11 It was you who jumped to the conclusion .
12 In the Muslim religion , for instance , the word ‘ Muslim ’ means ‘ one who submits to the will of God . ’
13 These next few pages are the reactions of one who went to the Centre , came away evangelical and kept saying to himself , ‘ All shipshape and Bristol fashion ’ , only to fall from the crest into the deepest trough , but thankfully to climb up again to a sensible plateau and finally discover that he had been fortified in more ways than he had expected .
14 From — Thank you to every one who came to the rock 'n' roll evening at the end of October .
15 ‘ I was asking Hafiz , ’ said Zeinab , ‘ if Hargazy was the one who came to the office . ’
16 Eddi Reader is one who sticks to the principles established in her old band Fairground Attraction .
17 The worst kind of witness is the one who swears to a fact about which he is quite wrong though quite sincere , and absolutely refuses to be shaken .
18 As he said of it much later , ‘ We who belong to the city have never left the Church .
19 ‘ And anybody who comes to the dogs ’ home for a bitch will find that the price includes spaying .
20 I mean , everybody who goes to the RSC by and large only ever sees the piece once , do n't they ?
21 A good number of fabliaux advise the husband simply to accept his inferiority to his wife and to allow her to continue to keep the passage of the world smooth ; at the end of Le Chevalier a la robe vermeille , " The Knight with the scarlet robe " , a husband who has surprised his wife and made the compromising discovery of her lover 's horse and robe is hoodwinked by her , and the tale concludes : ( But he who keeps to the right path should believe fully , without dispute , everything that his wife tells him . )
22 " This Meeting consider themselves authorised to regulate the practice to be hereafter adopted in Smithies — and direct now that he who comes to the smithy first prepared for work shall have preference in finishing all his work of every kind before any other can pretend to interfere . "
23 Anyone who listens to the language of our lager louts on the football terraces could not help but agree with them .
24 The mullah was very hungry and when he heard that the Emperor was providing a free iftar to anyone who came to the Red Fort he immediately tied up his donkey and went along .
25 I was not from a religious background , and I had previously thought that anyone who went to the mikva had to wear ghastly old-fashioned dresses with thick tights and live in a Yiddish-speaking ghetto !
26 Anyone who went to the tall ships race in Belfast and saw 500,000 people thronging through the city centre day after day could see the determination of the people of Belfast to lead their lives normally .
27 If anyone who went to the game on Sat has the time and inclination to write a report on it , I for one would be glad to read it .
28 The inside of the church of Sainte-Marie is oppressively ornate , and it is hard to imagine anyone who responds to the simple exterior of the building responding to the interior as well .
29 However , we can not stress enough how unusual it is to find anyone who conforms to the stereotyped Ms or Mr Trim image .
30 But if you know anyone who comes to a bad end you tend to think over what you said to them , what they said to you . ’
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