Example sentences of "[pron] make [art] great [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When we arrived I was introduced to the medium , Helen , a quite ordinary , sandy-haired woman in her mid-thirties , and the rest of the group , Dora and Leo and Katy and Humphrey , and everyone made a great fuss of me .
2 After a few half-hearted sips , one of them made a great show of looking at his watch , and put his glass down .
3 I made a great nuisance of myself and , in the end , they resorted to the traditional method of dealing with trouble-makers : they asked me to stand for my own ward at the next local government elections .
4 I made a great bonfire of it and stood and watched it burn until every trace of him was wiped off the face of the earth . ’
5 ‘ When I auditioned for him I made a great impression — or so I was told .
6 In mid-August I made the great mistake of seeking a four-day break from London to stay with friends in France .
7 She thought yet again : I make a great fuss of nothing , and have not suffered at all .
8 Let me repeat Edmund Burke 's remark : ‘ Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little . ’
9 So many religions , such as the religion of Ancient Egypt , for instance , whi which made a great fetish of this , has a belief in a judgment after death , followed by eternal retribution er , heaven effectively for the just and er , damnation effectively for the unjust , and some religions like Catholicism stick in an intermediate state pur purgatory , where you can work , work off a sentence , as it were , for a few , for a few thousand years .
10 John 's only choreographic activities at Covent Garden that first season were a couple of tiny opera-ballets , in Rigoletto and The Mastersingers which made no great impression .
11 Of course he has a fair number of mares , which makes a great difference .
12 None made a greater impact during that period , however , than left-arm wrist-spinner George Tribe .
13 Because Miyagi did not stay in Japan for long periods , it was Yamaguchi who made a great headway with his own system of goju-kai .
14 ( This is how the story is recorded in Luke 13:6–9 , where the fig tree stood for the self-righteous people , such as the Pharisees , who made a great show of their religion but produced few results .
15 As things turned out it was the Americans who made the greatest contribution , drawing heavily on the practice they had adopted in the last few years to incorporate the expertise available from industry and the unions into their CAB ( as they then were ) investigations .
16 WHETHER it was Major , Kinnock or Ashdown who made the greatest impression on the viewers , we shall know on Friday morning .
17 Because she 's good in earthquakes and she makes a great cup of tea .
18 As we climbed up the canyon we made a great clatter with sticks and stones and old tin cans , announcing our presence to the denizens .
19 It is not difficult to see that in understanding such an exchange we make a great number of detailed ( pragmatic ) inferences about the nature of the context in which ( 32 ) can be assumed to be taking place .
20 We make a great partnership , Malcolm . ’
21 ‘ If she acknowledges her fault , ’ said Yussuf , with the air of one making a great concession , ‘ then I will take her back . ’
22 ‘ We neither blame the Duke nor Mr. Burn , but we think they made a great mistake in accepting their nomination ’ .
23 When the Japanese counter-attacked on other occasions they made a great hullabaloo , often shouting to each other as they came forward .
24 But they made a great thing with the salt fish .
25 In 1987 Graham Gooch joined the company , and together they made a great team , leading to Gooch 's innings of 333 in the Lord 's Test match in 1990 .
26 They made a great show of prayers but treated people wrongly .
27 They made a great fuss of him , because he was new and had come from Por Tanssie which had a bad reputation .
28 They make a great clamour ; they take their time , just making noise .
29 The point is that they think differently from us ; and we and they make a great team .
30 Very few ‘ raw ’ diaries are published these days unless , as in the case of wartime victims of concentration camps , they make the greatest impact by the very nature of their rawness and contemporaneity .
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