Example sentences of "[pron] make [art] good [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The following year he beat both Sergio Casal and Emilio Sanchez in a 4–1 victory over Spain at Telford and said : ‘ I made a good start in the Cup so the first few matches will always stick in my mind . ’
2 Lambert spent two days on trial with French giants Monaco this week and said : ‘ I think I made a good impression but I 'm quite happy to stay with Reading . ’
3 Designing clothes for Carnega was all very well and I made a good living at it I wo n't deny but I wanted to be free to do my own thing — and to have my own name on the labels .
4 By now my courage had failed and I had to be helped up the steep , wooden steps , the executioner 's assistants whispering that if I made a good show they would make sure I would choke for no more than ten minutes .
5 So I er when I said it to him , on top I made a good job I says .
6 I thought to myself , ‘ Jimmy Dickinson does n't go abroad and certainly not to the States , so if I make a good job of it at Walton Heath I might be caddying for Sandy full-time in the future . ’
7 I make a good target .
8 Perhaps the most important regular question to keep asking yourself , even have it up on your wall where you can see it often , is : Am I making the best use of my time right now ?
9 Since delegation can occur at any time a basic question you the manager should regularly be asking yourself is : ‘ At this moment , am I making the best use of my time ? ’
10 A good sense of smell and an active intelligence were the factors which made a good dog .
11 He reduced this approach to six principles , which make a good summary of the essentials of political Realism .
12 Early theories suggested that there are certain qualities , personality characteristics or ‘ traits ’ which make a good leader .
13 He says that he 's looking for birds preening or doing something which makes a good composition .
14 In China , some 7 million biogas plants consume human and food waste , providing gas and a nitrogen-rich sludge which makes a good fertiliser .
15 " Aurea " , which makes a good splash through spring and summer .
16 Beta is orange , with a K-type spectrum ; so is Kappa , which makes a good comparison for the red variable Alpha Herculis .
17 Chi Ophiuchi is an irregular variable with a range of from 4 to 5 ; it lies close to Phi ( 4.3 ) which makes a good comparison star .
18 Could they liaise more with external agencies to develop a co-ordinated programme which makes the best use of their respective strengths ?
19 So you make a better door than a window ?
20 You make a good security guard .
21 You 're a marvellous worker ; and what 's more , you make the best currant buns I 've ever tasted .
22 As it was , she made a good show of appearing delighted .
23 She made a good job of it too , ’ Alec explained , adding like a good Scot , ‘ and of course there 's a small benefit to me because now I draw a rent allowance . ’
24 I think you made a good choice of boxes , it 's a bit small but
25 ‘ Well , anyway , ’ said Gareth Holmroyd , ‘ I 'm glad you made a good job of it . ’
26 ‘ Merymose was not a fool ; and you made a good impression when we first met .
27 ‘ Aye , well , if you did n't you made a good stab at it .
28 So thank you very much er for your work on that , and I think you made a good appointment .
29 Would you make a good first-aider at work ?
30 Do you make a good door cos you do n't make a very good window , sit back .
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