Example sentences of "[pron] make [art] [adj -est] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the most important regular question to keep asking yourself , even have it up on your wall where you can see it often , is : Am I making the best use of my time right now ?
2 Since delegation can occur at any time a basic question you the manager should regularly be asking yourself is : ‘ At this moment , am I making the best use of my time ? ’
3 New and expanded towns experienced the highest rates of population growth in the 1950s and 1960s , but in absolute terms it was the medium-sized cities , like Bristol , Leicester , and Southampton , which made the biggest contribution to overall population increase .
4 The feature of most interest is sentence length , because when we estimate the contribution made by each feature to the total amount of time spent reading , it is the number of words in a sentence which makes the largest difference between the two groups .
5 Could they liaise more with external agencies to develop a co-ordinated programme which makes the best use of their respective strengths ?
6 You 're a marvellous worker ; and what 's more , you make the best currant buns I 've ever tasted .
7 She said I did n't appreciate her , I took her for granted , I did n't notice all the little things she did and that I sulked if she made the slightest mistake .
8 To help you make the best use of our services , we have a network of Customer Care Units who will be pleased to give you advice or help , and also handle any complaints you may have .
9 How can you make the best use of lecture notes ?
10 We hope the following few paragraphs will help you make the best use of the services available .
11 I suppose that the common denominator in on-the-road campaigning is the commitment it requires , especially from the volunteer workers in the constituencies who make the biggest sacrifice .
12 The people who make the biggest contribution to profit are those who take a pride in being the best .
13 This is a delicate negotiation and if at a later stage the prospective purchaser who made the highest offer withdraws , the other parties may have lost interest or not wish to participate .
14 ‘ I 'll make the bread sauce if you like , ’ said Betty selflessly ; so Lydia let her , which was fairly unselfish of Lydia who made the best bread sauce in the world with a great deal of butter , nutmeg and black pepper .
15 As things turned out it was the Americans who made the greatest contribution , drawing heavily on the practice they had adopted in the last few years to incorporate the expertise available from industry and the unions into their CAB ( as they then were ) investigations .
16 WHETHER it was Major , Kinnock or Ashdown who made the greatest impression on the viewers , we shall know on Friday morning .
17 Neither in Germany nor in the Habsburg empire did they make the slightest difference to the way in which foreign policy was decided and carried out .
18 they made the best discovery .
19 They made the best discovery of all .
20 That is because it is an area where Marx and Engels , misled by Morgan , went most wrong , yet where at the same time they made the best use of anthropology .
21 Very few ‘ raw ’ diaries are published these days unless , as in the case of wartime victims of concentration camps , they make the greatest impact by the very nature of their rawness and contemporaneity .
22 What is questionable is whether they make the best use of this information , particularly of that which , if they were competent to extract it , could be deduced from the companies ' published accounts .
23 Well , so we do , about Handel and the way he makes the best effect ( at least on us ) ; but a different kind of historical awareness is needed here , one that puts us into the frame of mind of late eighteenth-century Vienna and its perception of Handel .
24 ‘ The court sees no ground for saying that , for present purposes , it makes the slightest difference whether under the old law the offence would have been false pretences or larceny by a trick .
25 But it makes the strongest case I have ever read for reassessing the role of the post-war welfare state in the cultural field , and will force even those who are not convinced by his arguments to sharpen up their own .
26 Working out what floats and what does n't as well as what makes the biggest splash is all part of a pre-schooler 's early education .
27 Today the Royals can not relax for a second , can not step one foot outside their own home without being met by a barrage of photographers waiting for them to make the smallest slip .
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