Example sentences of "[pron] at [art] [adj] end " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh , piss off , ’ shouted someone at the other end of the hut , as a boot bounced off the door just as the Sergeant made his exit .
2 Bob 's phone rang , and while he was talking Dyson , who was sitting back in his chair and waiting for someone at the other end of the line , covered up the mouthpiece of his phone and said , ‘ Are you coming to the funeral , Tess ? ’
3 When he assumed the role of the accountant and conducted the whole conversation with someone at the other end who was trying to make an appointment , he was brilliant . ’
4 Recording a verdict of suicide , coroner David Morris said : ‘ It is easy enough to criticise the bank as a body — there is always someone at the sharp end .
5 Apart from our regular rehearsals we often found ourselves at a loose end and would all troop round together .
6 The Careys were also in attendance : Lady Carey glowered whilst her husband busied himself at the far end of the room , totally ignoring our existence .
7 Jeremy settles Kate on a rattan sofa with a whisky , flicks on the stereo and then sits down himself at the other end of the sofa , making sure that she notices his careful maintenance of physical space between them .
8 ( op. at. : 6 ) Art sessions took place in the Art Room itself at the far end of the school , and Drama work happened in the hall .
9 South of Barrowgate Road there existed a few houses fronting Sutton Court Road ; some Almshouses on the southern side of Sutton Lane , with the fish pond behind them ; Sutton Court itself at the bottom end of Sutton Court Road , where Sutton Lane turned south — that part of Sutton Lane later became Fauconberg Road — with the Lawn Tennis Grounds on the southern side and Chiswick Park Farm occupying the whole area of land to the east of Sutton Court Road , and the continuing Sutton Lane — which later formed the southern part of Sutton Court Road — curving round to meet the bottom end of Burlington Lane , on the southern boundary of Chiswick House Gardens .
10 IBM also finds itself at the wrong end of several historical trends .
11 It 's a simple strategy ; score a goal at one end and hope Big Tommy saves you at the other end .
12 So that 's se and I want you at the other end .
13 Rangers , though , deserved some fortune because they had enjoyed none at the other end .
14 The door he had entered by would take a pedestrian but not a vehicle ; the one at the far end was wide enough and high enough to take a truck .
15 That only leaves the one at the far end , which belongs to a couple who plan to retire here in the spring .
16 The SOCO strutted across to one at the far end , shielded behind a panel of rough hessian .
17 And he 's got another one at the other end .
18 It has got another one at the other end .
19 Oh it was a nice ball that by , shoots and scores , Notts get a second just moments after they might have conceded one at the other end , the referee unimpressed by the penalty claims but the crowd are there , with a really fine piece of finishing by Gary , nine minutes to half time and adds to the one that got in twenty four , and it 's two nil to Notts County against .
20 Because there was no one at the bottom end , but they 've , they 've got all those extra people in it , it was really frightening when I look back , but the , the reason there could have been , there were er nineteen thousand at the Sunderland match but it was an all ticket game so they restricted the crowds somewhat .
21 The vessel can be transferred when the portcullis gate on the tank ( the one at the opposite end to the one used on the upper transfer ) has been lifted .
22 Once extended her own eye was pressed to the lens of the telescope that was herself ( was it her own eye 's lens she was looking through the wrong way ? ) and she saw herself at the other end .
23 His dark eyes met hers as if he felt her surreptitious appraisal , and she found herself at the receiving end of that long , sardonic smile .
24 Tommy winked at Rose , then left Charlie to join her at the far end of the bar .
25 Thank God for dome tents with two bays : you collect snow from one end for tea , pass it through the middle-man , and then deposit it at the other end .
26 Unbecoming as it was to their cred , the embarrassed band loaded themselves and gear into the vehicle and tried very hard indeed not to be seen getting out of it at the other end .
27 There is still a skid mark from one end of the runway to where the ‘ Fury left it at the other end .
28 A rebuilt Lower Gate matches it at the other end .
29 Takes a coupla minutes and the people getting it at the other end do n't notice anything wrong .
30 Twin solutions to equations ( 9.17 ) and ( 9.19 ) of equal positive and negative values of a again correspond to the possibility of feeding the symmetric section at either end and terminating it at the other end .
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