Example sentences of "[pron] do this [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 While all this is going on , the computer salesperson will repeatedly use the customer 's Christian name : ‘ Now , John , you see that when I do this with the mouse …
2 I do this in the belief that by admitting them publicly we will discover that others share them .
3 Once I did this under the eye of a policeman who nabbed me for parking on a yellow line when I emerged from the bank a few minutes later .
4 If I did this with the intention of deceiving people , would I be telling a lie ?
5 When I did this at the table , the player in the West seat went ‘ into the tank ’ , a bridge expression for a deep trance .
6 ‘ How could you do this to the vicar ? ’ she demanded .
7 Just to be safe , turn off the electricity and remove the fuses for the downstairs lighting Circuit and the upstairs ring main while you do this on the first floor — these cables are under the floorboards .
8 We did this over the summer .
9 We did this towards the end of the holiday .
10 After the fierce arguments of the previous decade it was necessary for my Group to explain its own rationale , and we did this in the second chapter of our Report .
11 Gather gather in a short frenzy of effort — ; A few days left alone would do it — ; We do this for the future to grow out of :
12 We do this in the belief that this is how competent language users handle discourse and that this is the best way of approaching discourse at any level of language development .
13 They did this on the screens they called Joe and Charlie — two big screens .
14 In concurrent legislation the Länder must agree , but they do this via the Bundesrat , the forty-member Council of Länder Ministers .
15 They do this despite the fact that on the kitchen floor there is an immaculately clean dish of pure tap water , and probably milk as well , awaiting them .
16 They do this in the form of infidelities but they have very different consequences and conclusions , partly due to the differences in their characters and also their circumstances .
17 But they do this within the limits of the novel of entertainment .
18 He did this on the same day , with the result that the situation became much calmer and negotiations opened for a new Executive Council which would include General Aung San as its leader .
19 He did this on the advice of his father , who shared his misgivings about travelling on a passport in that name .
20 He does this with the aid of a collection of 160 photographs which graphically show the results that may be obtained .
21 Rochlin ‘ feminizes ’ masculinity to just the degree required to rehabilitate it as the dominant term in the masculine/feminine binary , and he does this through the by now familiar move of positing homosexuality as the inadequate yet threatening third term .
22 Although Father Christmas also delivers presents to children in Australia , he does this in the middle of summer because December is one of the summer months there .
23 you ought to see underneath the fridge , he does this in the kitchen and they 've all gone under the fridge , when you 're at the top shop or any other places where the will you have a look on the cards in the window , I 'm looking for a slide , you know , but a smaller one for him for the garden for the summer really , cos that 's just about had it that one ?
24 Marriage is one of the elements which leads to the formation and the maintenance of the inequality between classes and it does this at the expense of women .
25 It does this without the use of adhesive or any other kind of fastener , which makes a welcome change from wrestling with the customary bits of plastic , sticky tabs and Velcro .
26 It does this without the use of adhesive or any other kind of fastener , which makes a welcome change from wrestling with the customary bits of plastic , sticky tabs and Velcro .
27 German firms say their only hope of staying competitive is to cut production , and are seeking co-operation among themselves to do this in the the most effective way .
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