Example sentences of "[pron] do [det] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 See well , you could er I still went with the horse and cart down there on a Saturday , take the meat , still the same I done that for a year or two .
2 And so , if I do that for the army and then get them to do my degree as well .
3 I do this for a long time .
4 I did that for a year until the scheme finished .
5 I did that for the nose
6 Readers are left to judge for themselves who did more for the Javanese people .
7 I think erm casualty was the worst in that you had very very long hours to do erm sometimes you were on call from five o'clock in the evening until nine o'clock the following morning , and you did that for a whole week so by the end of the time you really did feel inhuman , you were very very tired .
8 No , but you do that for the reason
9 She did much for the Red Cross , Girl Guides and the Royal Society for the Blind , and was a magistrate for many years .
10 We do this for every club that we have .
11 Gather gather in a short frenzy of effort — ; A few days left alone would do it — ; We do this for the future to grow out of :
12 Can I really expect her to do that for the rest of my life ? ’
13 Moustaches were allowed , not that they did much for a few who grew them .
14 they did that for the school children
15 As everyone was by then in a state of complete exhaustion they did little for the next two or three days except sleep .
16 Although Nicholas 's victories over the Persians in 1828 and the Ottoman Empire in 1829 had made him temporarily safe from international complications in this area , they did little for the extension of Russian control over the peoples who lived to the north of Georgia .
17 Why wo n't he do that for the people of Lincolnshire now .
18 well he did that for a while
19 It did little for the image of a man who has been part of the backbone of the team for so long , and was playing in his eighty-seventh Test .
20 This may have prevented some children of artisans falling into poverty as a result of the decline of skilled occupations , but it did little for the lowest stratum who were always the most vulnerable to severe poverty .
21 I do n't think it does much for the feel or the looks of the frets , but there you go .
22 It does little for the already low standing of politicians in the public esteem for Major to say effectively that they did not have plans to raise taxes then and they only did it because it was necessary .
23 Comment : Lots of us do this for a living .
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