Example sentences of "[pron] do [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I do all the work , and sometimes I even do things they do n't tell me to do . ’
2 I do all the drawings , unlike other studios where you have someone to do the cars , someone to do the buildings .
3 I do all the things I did n't do the first time .
4 " I do all the housework and the cooking , my mam and dad both work , " said an unemployed teenager in Coventry .
5 ‘ What 's interesting about it is that I have both worlds , because I play with Phil Collins ’ band as well as Genesis , and with Phil I do all the records too .
6 And as I did so the abuse gathered pace .
7 It is a question , ’ Loppe said , ‘ whether it would not be cheaper to let them do all the refining .
8 Everywhere the city rang to cries of Viva Verdi , a call which did neither the composer nor the opera house any harm at all .
9 The immediate physical obstacles in the way and the suppressed anxiety about the threat of kidnap merge in the implied soliloquy which does half the work of describing the journey , intensifying the sense of danger and of nightmare slowness .
10 The jaw bones , who do all the talking but little else !
11 These organisations are rare , although an example might be a partnership of a few individuals who do all the work of the organisation themselves ( with perhaps a little administrative assistance ) .
12 If you did then the chances are that all your service will count for family benefits .
13 Now on the angle that you did there the degrees can you add those up and just before you start drawing it you should always add them up and make sure they all come to three sixty cos if it comes to four hundred it 's going to go right round and a bit further than once round .
14 ‘ No — what I mean is — if he 's sitting at home while you do all the work , why is n't he happy ?
15 You do all the interviews the promoter wants .
16 When you do all the sums and move all the money from pocket to pocket it looks as if there is an increase of between 2 to 2.5 per cent and that is almost the difference between the previous inflation forecast of 3.5 per cent and the present inflation forecast of 5.75 per cent .
17 She snatched at the handle and as she did so the parcel slipped .
18 As she did so the sunlight that was splashing through the trees along the track , caught that part of her hair that was not covered and , ill as she obviously was , it shone like pale gold , as if it was a source not reflection , of light .
19 She almost staggered back to the kitchen table and sat down and as she did so the kitchen clock struck nine .
20 When she did so the church was a blur of colours and streakings of light .
21 ‘ Open your eyes , ’ he commanded huskily , and when she did so the look on his face set her blood racing .
22 She stood there beside him , acknowledging the marvellous presence of the terns , and as she did so the thought came to her that striped shirt , and pink tie , and Julia of the leather skirt , presumably passed them by five days a week without knowing that they did so .
23 When the plain clothes Constables , the Detectives , and even uniform Constables can spend their watch in the Station , the Section Sergeant who does all the work , and who is accountable to the Instruction Book , the backbone of the Force , dare not enter the Station during his hours of duty .
24 ‘ And who does all the research ? ’
25 Who does all the cleaning and cooking and looking after ? ’ said Signe from the rear seat .
26 The putter itself does all the work and that takes a load of pressure off the rest of my game .
27 On Monday we done all the washing .
28 And wh what we did luckily the night
29 He said : ‘ If we do well the rewards will be good .
30 Sometimes humans put out bowls of milk for us and we do all the housework for them .
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