Example sentences of "[pron] do [pron] [vb mod] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Now , we hear time and time again of the one million capital that was spent and yes and I do hope that the provisions that will now be made through a combined budget which Mr seems to think is half a million but I can assure you it is not half a million however , I do I can further reassure him that by the time the Highfields er and Moat management committee have gone through with this it will be half a million , there will be a proper budget provision as it should have been in the last five to six years .
2 ‘ I can not say when I will retire but when I do it will still be madness .
3 At least no if I do it will only be Friday morning .
4 he said , now look you lost eighty pound out of that draw I said yes I did they 'll only allow you fifty so he says I 'll say these cuff links are worth thirty pound , so he was on my side were n't he ?
5 If I did it would probably read , if someone 's rogering your wife on the hearth rug , you ca n't expect her to answer the phone .
6 On one occasion she even invited me to her home in Chelsea , but I did n't accept as I knew if I did I would only have to ask her back to my place in Whitechapel .
7 All I want you to do I 'll just read through this .
8 ‘ Because if you did you 'd never have betrayed his trust and taken the jade . ’
9 When you do we 'll automatically re-start the monthly payments .
10 And besides , if it 's all rigged like they say you do it 'll already be arranged for us .
11 If you do I 'll just go off … and with him . ’
12 ‘ I warn you , if you do I 'll never forgive you . ’
13 What I 'd say to you is , do n't mess up and throw away the opportunity you 've been given , because if you do you 'll only have yourself to blame .
14 If you do you 'll never recover the Presley hoard . ’
15 If you do you will quickly use up memory .
16 And even if she did she 'd hardly be likely to tell me — it would have been gossip .
17 And even if she did she 'd never get her hands dirty helping in a kitchen ! ’
18 do the normal routine she does she 'll maybe think .
19 Even if we did you 'd still keep it .
20 But economics do not determine penal practices in a simple and direct manner ; if they did we should hardly have the extremely wasteful penal system which exists in this country today , with its needlessly and expensively high prison population .
21 For example , we do n't know whether non-human species get depressed and even if we were sure that they did there would still be a lot of doubt about which behaviours signified depression in an animal .
22 We might try and put all the on tomorrow and if they do they 'll just work till they get them on .
23 No matter what they do they 'll always be scabs .
24 If one stops for a piss the rest might catch up and if they do they will either fall straight over him so that you finish with a ball of dogs that will take forever to unwind , or they will take lumps out of him .
25 The addresses wo n't change very often , but when they do you can easily amend the appropriate DATA statement .
26 The old Oliver would n't have had any … trouble like that , and if he did he 'd just have danced away from it .
27 Had the man not have defended himself as well as he did he could well have received very serious injuries .
28 And whatever he did it would probably be wrong .
29 He does not have affairs with students and if he did it would certainly not affect their grading . ’
30 If it did it would soon lose support and wither away .
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