Example sentences of "[pron] they have been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Their courage in entering into the conflict and their presence of mind in circumstances in which they have been in enormous danger are a great tribute to the individuals themselves and to the institution that sent them .
2 All of the sample of Rowdies were able to plot very accurately where they had stood on the terraces over the last few years , who they had been with , and where they expected to be in the future .
3 They 'd been out and er I do n't know who they 'd been with like but he must of had a bit to drink .
4 No this is , cos Marion and Matthew they like Indians and they go both me ma , start again , they like Indian meals and they 've been round to quite a few and they said this is the best one they 've been to .
5 Erm is one they 've been in a very similar position to in so much as competition 's forced them to cost down dramatically I mean
6 Next morning the stage manager took great pleasure in informing them they had been to a women-only club .
7 And of course the deterrents that we 've had , over the years , when they they 've been of the emotive and knee jerk sort , and I remember the short sharp shock for instance , under Whitelaw , they did n't work , because they were n't thought out , they were just to make them clap at the Tory party conference .
8 What they 'd been over there to a stallion ?
9 He used to sort of let the girls know what they 'd been at .
10 Some of his male colleagues boasted about how they 'd felt with various women , raising an arm to show what they 'd been like .
11 She knew very well what they had been at ; she and Patten had been the same , when they were young .
12 This was a soft seduction of her senses , a sensuous reminder of what they had been to each other and what they had lost .
13 After that , the possibilities for the disturbed were very much what they were to remain until the introduction of the major tranquillisers — and indeed what they had been from Roman times .
14 What they have been in the past , in the face of their grim working lives , is resilient .
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