Example sentences of "[pron] you [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I you decide to order it , which side split or whatever and where you want the controls
2 ‘ You make it sound as though we had a reasonable discussion , instead of which you threatened to throw me out — no matter what .
3 Consequently , in order to provide more accurate information , we have re-designed the ‘ Sponsorship Opportunities ’ form which you use to provide us with the information for the back page .
4 I 've instructed all those you wish to see to be available today , but it would be helpful if I could give them some idea of the order in which you wish to see them . ’
5 Having chosen the photograph that you wish to display , you must then decide on the amount of card with which you wish to surround it .
6 If you want to attract the right people and keep them you have to pay them money .
7 ‘ Although , ’ said Fintan , ‘ to get to know them you have to find them , of course . ’
8 who you trying to turn it on , with everybody
9 Of course you you had to tell them eighteen .
10 Oh yeah you you have to erase it but nobody 's gon na sa , I mean to say , nobody knows who you are , what you 've said anyway at all , do they ?
11 And so I er you er you you start to take it back out again .
12 So erm yes with with with er erm er you you need to encourage them to er think development .
13 It 's something you use to get you from A to B , I guess , and right now that seemed a long way to me .
14 Was there something you wanted to tell her before she left ? ’
15 It takes about five minutes to set it up before you retire to bed , and if you come back downstairs for something you have to cancel it and start all over again .
16 and then your man also told me , he said , this is something you have to watch them , John says they 've already paid that for doing all the advertising
17 ‘ I think you have something you want to tell me ’ — that 's what their technique was .
18 Well Anna-Marie is there something you want to tell us ?
19 You talk to whoever you went to get me involved in this candy-assed operation .
20 But the er last group of tenants found that that was a big priority and really pushed and worked till they you know to get it .
21 What is it you 've to see her about ?
22 What was it you came to tell me yesterday ? ’
23 it you try to count them
24 ‘ I have sworn the oath — now what is it you wish to tell me ?
25 And you used to have what they call a wick in it you know to light it and turn it down at night time and blow it out down the .
26 ‘ What is it you want to see me about ? ’
27 That 's it you have to put it in the simplest of terms and that is the way that most people would understand it , you know , you come to sixty five or whatever and instead of having three hundred pounds a week you 've got eighty five pounds a week and what are you going to do about it .
28 And signature tune if that 's what you like to call it was Dare to be a Daniel , Dare to Pass a Public House and Dare to Make it Known .
29 ‘ Yes , I attacked him , if that 's what you like to call it !
30 ‘ If that 's what you like to call it , yes … a truce . ’
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