Example sentences of "[pron] i [be] go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll do my best out there — but if he hurts me I 'm going down . ’
2 One night he drank a lot of whisky and told me I was gone off .
3 Why did n't you tell me I was goin' too fast ? ’
4 I I 'm going down south next week and I intend
5 I mean er you know , I I was went in as a mechanical fitter and er stayed as such , getting sort of bigger and more responsibl bilities as I went Grew up .
6 This meant that they would n't be back before the pubs closed , but I also knew that if they knew who I was going out with they would have locked me in .
7 All my life I 've had brothers breathing down my neck , watching my every move , checking on who I 'm going out with and what time I 'm getting home .
8 Right , I 'll see you I 'm going back to have that half hours kip , I 'll be up .
9 I 'll tell you I 'm going back to Lucy next time , she 's , she 's alright Vivien but she has n't got it like Lucy , she 's not as particular .
10 But it was quite a different contrast that struck me there in Alison 's kitchen : the aching disparity between the woman who stood there , impatient for me to be gone , and the one I was going home to .
11 I sat there a long time , bored , with a cold bottom , and I was about to open the pub door to tell him I was going home when I saw the organ grinder trundling his barrel-organ down the street .
12 Erm so we walked in and out of carriages as he sought a pair of seats together and erm squashed down , he had me like penned into the window , like I 've got my bag and my umbrella in between ha , and I 'd already told him I was going out with someone .
13 He does a lot of business in Turin and I just told him I was going there . ’
14 Before he went though I reminded him I was going too and he paid me my last wages .
15 possibly Wednesday , well I told her I were going up Thursday or Friday so I might nip up this aft
16 This is how it 's done get on with it I 'm going now !
17 I do n't think there is any way that he can realise what I am going through .
18 I ca n't believe what I am going through .
19 Do n't you have any feelings for what I 'm goin' through ? ’
20 But they do n't speak any English , I do n't speak any Arabic , so I 'm gesturing away about the bar-tailed lark and not being able to go into the forbidden zone , and somehow or other the leader understands what I 'm going on about and makes me understand that because they 're nomads they do n't have to follow international boundaries .
21 If you do it first , you 're gon na really understand what I 'm going on about .
22 ‘ There 's probably people out there watching who know what I 'm going through .
23 That 's what I 'm going back to try and sort out . ’
24 She drove for a few minutes in silence , then she said , ‘ You know what I 'm going back to ? ’
25 That 's what I 'm going out for .
26 But , what I was going on to say was that erm Grace what 's her name ?
27 And it took about two minutes to twig what I was going on about !
28 It took me a long time even to begin to look at what I was going through .
29 Do you know what I was going through ?
30 I had to consciously tell myself what I was going in for and not to use the trip downstairs as an excuse to have a ‘ little ’ rest on the sofa after my thirty-four minutes of hard work .
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