Example sentences of "[pron] to [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This claim might not unreasonably be held to cover such examples as we see in the following subject phrases : ( 15 ) the bicycles damaged all had red handlebars the line defective is the one to the outside a dose strong enough would put him out all night In all these cases , prenominal position would also be acceptable and appears to give the same cognitive meaning for the sentence as a whole , hence encouraging us to accept a solution to the first question , above , in terms of " emphasis " or " focus " .
2 The Chief Justice said that exclusion depended on all the circumstances : here the interview was conducted with propriety and the solicitor would have added nothing to the knowledge the detainee already had about his rights .
3 As a change from wet feet and sightseeing I was smuggled into an English-language class where we drank home-made slivovitz and one of the students , a lugubrious-looking individual called Miroslav who played the bassoon in the Moravia Philharmonic Orchestra , invited me to a concert the following evening .
4 I got my mother to take me to the dentist every week so I could run away from it . ’
5 His leg seemed to have stopped bleeding , or very nearly , and he could n't have severed an artery or he 'd have bled to death by now , but all the same there had to be a pretty serious wound under the cloth of his trousers and the faster I could get him to a doctor the better .
6 Muffled in furs , Franklin D. Hauser left the complex in a snow buggy which drove him to a helipad a kilometre away .
7 With painful slowness it carried him to the station a few miles from his home .
8 So the gun went with him to the country every week , wrapped securely in sackcloth and tucked under the seat of his cart .
9 The sooner you can get him to the mortuary the better .
10 I took her to the airport a couple of hours ago , after finding there was a free seat on a plane bound for London .
11 had to have one for a short while , she was quite young and I , we 'd only just moved here and I took her to the vet the used to be in Sandhurst , they said it was a bee sting , they put purple stuff on it
12 Harry Herbert , the son of the Queen 's racing manager , the Earl of Carnarvon , James Boughey , a lieutenant in the Coldstream Guards , farmer 's son George Plumptre , who asked her to the ballet the day she got engaged , the artist Marcus May and Rory Scott , then a dashing lieutenant in the Royal Scots Guards , often came to call , along with Simon Berry , Adam Russell , and James Colthurst .
13 Roll it to a rectangle a little larger than the entire cake , about 32·5x38cm ( 13x15inches ) .
14 THE scene outside a Moscow hotel : a man in a suit unfurls an umbrella , turns it upside down and attaches it to a box the size of a fruit crate .
15 I took it to the pub the other night , but you ca n't hear nowt except pool balls crashing .
16 The cup becomes the retina , and the stalk connecting it to the brain the optic nerve .
17 If they were to report it to the company the whole crew could lose their jobs . ’
18 Compare it to the way a bobby pounds his beat or to the leisurely stroll Prince Philip adopts when he follows his wife on a walkabout .
19 But when he got it to the check-out the girl assistant asked him to pay £1.99 .
20 However , if you have a car tyre that has a slow puncture , and you have to take it to the garage every week to put air into it , it does n't mean that there is anything wrong with the pump : there must be something else wrong to make the tyre lose air .
21 I did enjoy myself , once I had accustomed myself to the way the Yanks danced .
22 The trend indicates that as the date for reauthorisation approaches , liberals have resigned themselves to the fact the NEA chairmanship is not a rostrum for ethics , but a political post .
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