Example sentences of "[pron] say at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 I said at the time what I thought was right , and I stick all through to what I believe to be right .
2 I said at the time that reports are ALWAYS one sided when the score is 3–0 or 4–0 , this coupled with what I actually heard on radio 5 and what Ive seen of the goals is that Leeds had plenty of the ball , just found it hard to break a 6,7,8 man defence , and norwich looked dangerous on the counter attack .
3 I said at the time of Robert Maxwell 's death that he 'd left a trail of wreckage across the city .
4 I said at the time that it was rather important from the point of view of the economy that we should not have wage increases which we could not afford .
5 I suppose looking back on what I said at the time it was true and I did really love you and I still do but now it 's not sexual or romantic , it was n't sexual then because my mind was too pure and partly because you were such a huge chunk of my life , one seventh , and I think I always will do n't know what that 's su oh it 's love you I suppose for you it must have been such a small thing and at fifteen stroke sixteen you can probably only just remember me I was fourteen actually I was the middle son who was n't properly blond unlike the brothers and hung around near you far too much .
6 As someone said at the time , ‘ I could believe him guilty of grievous bodily harm , but not grievous bodily charm . ’
7 ‘ I heard from a third party that Billy Bingham had left me out because of indiscipline , but there was nothing said at the time and he has not spoken to me since . ’
8 ‘ These reports are a load of rubbish , ’ she said at the time .
9 ‘ I asked him why and he said because he could not talk or swallow , ’ she said at the time .
10 SHE said at the time : ‘ I know this will not happen again because of the shame it has brought on his family . ’
11 She said at the time ‘ no-one has given the BBC a mandate to promote their causes .
12 Well as I say I went out and erm I thought , well Jill phoned and she said at the time my mum had got a boy that was sleeping rough down the sandpits .
13 That 's been er er a matter which has been erm discussed er at some length by Stragg as has the topic of er house building and the the problems of er capacity for er new house instruction and other development within the , the Council but a number of erm matters er not least of which has been er the departure of two key members of staff during the period er there has er I 'm afraid been a degree of slippage and the original programme that we have put to you and which you agreed which we said at the time was ambitious er is already er showing signs of stress and it looks now I 'm afraid that it will not be er in the early part of the summer that the structure plan in draft form will be available and ready to be approved for consultation purposes , but towards the end of the summer and er er into the early autumn .
14 ‘ As we said at the time of this tour 's selection , David Gower 's Test career is not necessarily finished .
15 They said at the time it was a crib , and La Sylphide is indeed markedly different from any other Bournonville ballet .
16 ( They said at the time , ‘ If she does n't take something , she will join her mother soon … ’ )
17 He said at no time was Paul Jones ever hit with a cane or whip , at no time was he tied upside down and hit , he was never forced to get up early to feed the animals , or ill-treated in any way whatsoever .
18 He said at the time , ‘ A dancer 's time is short .
19 ‘ The most disturbing feature of the underground repository is not simply that an accident might occur , ’ he said at the time , ‘ but that if it did , we might never know until its consequences reached the surface — maybe decades later . ’
20 ‘ I can see no reason why I should n't keep my job because I have not committed any offence under military law , ’ he said at the time .
21 ‘ The recession gave us a window of opportunity , ’ he said at the time .
22 ‘ It was n't the litigation we would lose that was the problem , ’ he said at the time .
23 ‘ We realised very early on that there was something very wrong with Helen , ’ he said at the time .
24 he said at the time that as soon as his international career was over that he could go back to Blackheath and see them right .
25 ‘ I usually grow it like a sheepdog to keep me warm in winter , ’ he said at the time .
26 ‘ I do n't like the way they want to make the film , ’ he said at the time .
27 ‘ She 'll start off , ’ he said at the time , ‘ with an appealing look like this [ his eyes open wide and his jaw drops ] and you can see her thinking : ‘ No , I did that yesterday .
28 ‘ I have a little prayer I say three times before I come down , ’ he said at the time .
29 As he said at the time : ‘ I 've never been seen naked in any bed , never .
30 Whereas in the 6th edition the re-written §246 dismisses the above as ‘ all my experience permitted me to say at the time … and that his research of the previous five years had wholly solved the difficulties of repetition .
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