Example sentences of "[pron] would [adv] [be] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I would n't be if I 'd just lost twenty million , ’ Plummer said humourlessly .
2 Well I would n't be if he bought me flowers now and again .
3 She would likely never see her sister again , so that in her mind she would always be as she had been on that last walk over the moor to Barnswick .
4 If you are dealing with a matter which upsets you , you may not be as objective in your judgement as you would normally be and you may be oversensitive .
5 Oh yes when I went to Stronsay Academy first we were very much kids for the country being all this country ones and often we 'd sometimes be and said some terribly wild and woolly awfully countrified phrase you know until pride sort of came to our rescue when we we got out of it as much as ever we could .
6 No they would n't be when I 'm des when they 're desperate , everybody rings me when I 'm
7 4 Entry The right for the Tenant and all persons expressly or by implication authorised by the Tenant to enter upon other parts of the Centre and ( if any ) the Adjoining Property to carry out works to the Premises where such works would otherwise not be possible , or may be possible but rendered more expensive than they would otherwise be if this right was available The problem of access over a neighbour 's land has been greatly alleviated by the passage of the Access to Neighbouring Land Act 1992 which sets out a procedure whereby a person may obtain a court order permitting access to a neighbour 's property in order to carry out works to protect , repair or maintain their property in circumstances where the neighbour refuses consent to such access .
8 And there 's nowhere he 'd rather be than back in his native Enniskillen — where he can unashamedly lead life at a crawling pace .
9 He could think of nowhere he would rather be than at home , with people he knew and trusted , in a place without secrets .
10 Lindsay Philpott , the Tory , is said to be at an even greater disadvantage than he would otherwise be because he lives in Cardiff .
11 He would n't be when he knew what he 'd come about .
12 so it would n't be that they interruptions listening necessarily it would just be that would n't expect to have to .
13 Certainly it would n't be because staff sit around the lounge at night and make guests the butt of practical jokes . ’
14 It would n't be because guests are being gossiped about , and even spied on through binoculars , would it ? ’
15 At the moment it was warm , but soon it would n't be and he would need fires .
16 Sir , — Election time does not have to be like this , and it would n't be if politicians did n't behave like cocks , strutting their stuff !
17 Notice how this is beautifully covered with my fingerprints now which it would n't be if I was handling it properly .
18 It would n't be if it fell , would it !
19 so it would n't be that they interruptions listening necessarily it would just be that would n't expect to have to .
20 He said it would just be until I got myself sorted out , and then I would get him back straight away .
21 Now this time we 're here for four weeks so it would probably be that they want to get everybody through this time without anybody escaping the net .
22 As a result , although the coverage is not as lively or interesting as it would probably be if the editors had more freedom , it is not nearly as stilted as many people feared ; it is certainly much better than the terribly restricted and monotonous presentation of the Canadian House of Commons .
23 She heard the impatience in his tone and went on even more firmly , ‘ It would simply be that it fits in with my long-term plan , which is to get a wide range of experience before going on an extended working holiday overseas . ’
24 If I decided to play in it , it would not be because of $50,000 but because I felt better .
25 She had been right to say it was people like that who do terrible things , and if Timothy Gedge did do terrible things it would not be because he was different and exotic but because he was possessed of an urge to become so .
26 much greater than it would otherwise be if you
27 In this way output is lower than it would otherwise be and there is an ‘ efficiency ’ cost in terms of this output loss .
28 Nor did she think he could ever feel anything but shame for the way he treated them ; if he was now ready to pretend otherwise , it would only be that he saw some advantage in it .
29 Franco repeated the message of his 2 December letter when he said that he did not " see any advantage in change " and that if he were ever to delegate the leadership of the government , it would only be when he was no longer able to carry out the functions of that position as well as those of head of state .
30 Erm I did say at the time if the Council agreed it was we would approve the new application it would only be if the original was rescinded and I did speak to the Town Clerk so there 's no need , I 'm not making a big issue , but I think the Council should be aware and the Town Clerk I believe has notified because again this is one of those things that could happen at a later date and as we all know if we have n't made these things perfectly clear .
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