Example sentences of "[pron] would [verb] me [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If I were a man I 'd tell me to get lost — and fast !
2 Nobody 'd let me wheel my bike or carry my bag .
3 When I went out robbing , it 'd be the early hours of the morning , one or two in the morning , so nobody 'd notice me missing here .
4 Re-reading the Editorial Edict I see I am allowed , if necessary , to stretch my budget to ( say ) £275 , which would enable me to acquire two or three nice pieces .
5 I needed a job which would enable me to work at home , and be with my family every evening .
6 There was an enormous amount of planning to do as well as writing the various protocols and policies which would enable me to function as an ENP .
7 Then I began to foresee our mutual embarrassment if events should develop in such a way which would force me to reveal my professional identity .
8 If she reads this , or if any one reading it knows of her present whereabouts or has any information which would help me contact her , would they please let me know by writing to me at .
9 I had to construct a model that would lead me to a series of questions that would have empirically testable answers which would allow me to deduce an answer to my original question .
10 Gradually , it dawned on me that this was an organisation which would allow me to take and give .
11 Upon receiving a degree which would allow me to undertake research , I turned down a place which I had been offered to study theology , and went to Oxford .
12 She 'd want me to help your niece , not a doubt of it .
13 My feet got so hot and sweaty I took my trainers and socks off and walked along in my bare feet till I saw a traffic warden looking at me as if she 'd get me arrested .
14 Marie told me she 'd teach me to swim one day .
15 I had no intention of trying to explain the whereabouts of Sunil 's goods to Sunil or his henchmen until I 'd made contact with Zaria , and if she did n't come across soon there was a good chance she 'd find me hanging from a Christmas tree by the neck .
16 Sometimes she 'd keep me waiting there for over an hour while she scanned the surroundings through 180 degrees , over and over again .
17 ‘ If I told my therapist that , ’ said Scarlet , ‘ do you think she 'd let me go ? ’
18 Sometimes I 'd go in and she 'd let me give the baby his bottle . ’
19 I 'm left staring at it with my adrenalin draining into the floorboards , and though I wish she 'd let me take them I find I 'm getting bored .
20 She 'd let me get half-way close and then she would push me away .
21 If you wrote and invited me , I could show the letter to Mummy , and I 'm sure she 'd let me come , because she says I 'm Pale and will lose my looks
22 But I 'm sure she 'd let me have it , if only she could get rid of me .
23 I wonder if she 'd let me have some more straw and hay
24 ‘ Unless , of course , you 'd prefer me to report to the Reichsführer that we lost this man because of your stupidity . ’
25 She said she felt sure you 'd want me to sit beside you . ’
26 ‘ I thought you 'd want me to get out of your sight — and stay out . ’
27 Dame Sybil was the most gracious , helpful , generous woman you can ever ask to work with , you know , you 'd expect me to say that anyway , I 'm not gon na say anything else er but in her case it really was true .
28 But you 'd expect me to ask it .
29 And the inevitable qu you 'd expect me to ask this to you .
30 ‘ Bathsheba , ’ he said , coming closer , ‘ If I only knew one thing — whether you 'd allow me to love you , and marry you after all — if I only knew ! ’
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