Example sentences of "[pron] will [verb] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What I 'll do I 'll leave at five fifteen .
2 Yeah I 'll stop at that .
3 He 's very tall so I 'll guess at nine .
4 And have you ever been emotionally abused by a man , is the final question I 'll ask at this stage ?
5 If there is n't one then we , we er er it er oh mind you I suppose there 's no hassle to them to put a Welsh thingy , anyway I 'll look at that .
6 I look at what that is in value , about two and a half thousand , I 'll look at this one ,
7 Well if I say I 'll come at five , cos that gives me a chance to do all the sort of phoning
8 So if I come , I 'll come at three
9 All done at two hundred and I 'll sell at two hundred pounds .
10 I 'll sell at two hundred and eighty pounds are you all done at two hundred and eighty pounds .
11 At two sixty then , there I 'll sell at two hundred and sixty pounds .
12 It 's up here and I 'll sell two twenty new bidder two twenty now two twenty then it 's half way down on the left at two twenty and I 'll sell at two two forty two sixty still against you two sixty , it 's down there and I 'll sell at two hundred and sixty pounds .
13 It 's up here and I 'll sell two twenty new bidder two twenty now two twenty then it 's half way down on the left at two twenty and I 'll sell at two two forty two sixty still against you two sixty , it 's down there and I 'll sell at two hundred and sixty pounds .
14 At two hundred and sixty pounds and I 'll sell at two hundred and sixty pounds .
15 Two hundred and , two sixty two eighty two eighty standing at two eighty against you seated and I 'll sell at two hundred and eighty pounds .
16 All done , it 's against you two thousand , are you all done at two thousand pounds standing on my right then and I 'll sell at two thousand pounds .
17 I 'll sell at two hundred pounds .
18 is the Grafonola with some needle tins and things , Lot thirteen , twenty for them , twenty pounds at thirty pounds , anyone at twenty twenty pounds , twenty three , any more , twenty at twenty pounds any advance on twenty pounds , two , five eight , thirty thirty pounds against you , thirty five forty forty five fifty fifty five sixty sixty five seventy seventy five standing at seventy five pounds now , any more at seventy five at the back , I 'll sell at seventy five pounds .
19 Four twenty standing then and I 'll sell at four hundred and twenty pounds .
20 Four hundred four hundred pounds and twenty yes four twenty bid 's with me now at four twenty and I 'll sell at four hundred and twenty pounds .
21 Three fifty then and I shall sell at three fifty , three eighty , four hundred four hundred pounds now , still with me at four hundred , against you all in the room and I 'll sell at four hundred pounds .
22 At four hundred and fifty pounds , all done then at four fifty and I 'll sell at four hundred and fifty pounds .
23 It 's with me and I 'll sell at four hundred and twenty , four fifty against you at four fifty , any more ?
24 Eight fifty on the right and I 'll sell at eight hundred and fifty pounds .
25 At eight hundred and fifty pounds on my left seated and I 'll sell at eight hundred and fifty pounds , all done ? five .
26 I 'll sell at fifty pounds all done , fifty five standing standing at fifty five , sixty sixty there now , sixty five seventy seventy pounds on the right , any more ?
27 Forty forty five fifty on the fifty pounds , any more at fifty and I 'll sell at fifty pounds .
28 I 'll sell at six hundred and fifty pounds any more ?
29 Nine hundred pounds , all done at nine hundred pounds and I 'll sell at nine hundred pounds .
30 It 's against you seated and I 'll sell at one hundred and eighty pounds , one ninety two hundred standing at two hundred now , against you seated , are you all done at two hundred pounds ? six six , thank you .
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