Example sentences of "[pron] we do [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We do have a spyhole in the door but because we were expecting someone we did not use it .
2 We ca n't bar someone we do n't know . ’
3 ‘ One of the servants , someone we do n't know , ’ Benjamin replied .
4 By being angry at our mistakes and mentally chastising ourselves we do not learn anything about why we fall .
5 It can be used defensively to convince ourselves we do not need to take their ideas , understandings and values seriously , and to reinforce our own superior knowledge .
6 This simply creates a further imbalance because not only does it increase the calcium level ( which we need ) , but it further increases the phosphorous level as well ( which we do n't want ) .
7 Therefore , one way of shutting off all negative and worrying thoughts , or shutting out any information to which we do n't want to attend , is to create a mild sensation of pain for the brain to be occupied with .
8 my my guess is that by a side wind er can mix all the erm items on the list , terms would include erm maybe committed and maybe not committed expenditure expenditure and that if it does affect because erm there are some items erm in the erm not clear whether it 's committed or not Market Square er which we do n't want to support .
9 yeah , it means he 's getting less hours , so he 'll be getting less money which we do n't want at all at the moment
10 Which we do n't do we ?
11 Which we do n't think 's fair .
12 Times , which we do n't bother writing in a hundred add one , okay ?
13 ‘ The language-games with expressions or feelings are based on games with expressions of which we do n't say they may lie . ’
14 The suspense is because our winnings depend not just on which card we have played ( which we each know ) , but on the other player 's card too ( which we do n't know until the banker reveals it ) .
15 We can not use this expression up here either , because we 've got an unobservable variable in there , we 've got the expectation of which we do n't know alright , we do n't know what that is , what number that is through time , so the analysis could reach an impasse here , right , this , nice little theory , nice hypothesis about how people form expectations but it it 's not tractable , it 's intractable , right we ca n't use it .
16 Sadly , you see , there 's quite a lot about the Trust which we do n't find particularly sympathetic .
17 Er and Professor is right that it was paragraph B er which at the time was A A er it 's now B B , that caused er me and er my colleagues some difficulty erm in er policy and resources and it will be the reason for which we do n't support it this afternoon .
18 Which we do n't need .
19 Which we do n't need .
20 Which are storing information which we do n't need now but it
21 Now parental investment is a technical concept which we do n't need to go into in this course in too great detail , suffice is to say that parental investment represents everything a parent sinks into its offspring which promotes its offspring 's reproductive success .
22 Horses and donkeys eat grass and roots , which we have : tractors eat petrol , which we do n't have .
23 Which we do n't have .
24 I mean there ought to be someone who can make a lead for us in house , that sort of thing , which we do n't have at the moment , because we 've got things like complicated split leads for rigging up two monitors , and we 've had those twice we 've had those made , outside , but they only need to get sort of broken , and we 're back to square one .
25 Oh funny thing I was having a look at one of Carrie 's , she 's got the Radio Times which we do n't get , only at Christmas time .
26 Exactly what meaning can be attached to the other histories , in which we do not exist , is not clear .
27 And you see , the miracle of the birth , of the new birth , is something which we do not do !
28 My hon. Friend gives an admirable description of the so-called fair rates proposals of the Labour party , to which we do not intend to return .
29 As my right hon. Friend pointed out from the Dispatch Box yesterday , only £1 in £3 of agricultural support goes to farmers , which we do not think makes much sense .
30 It is because of the universality of the threat to freedom contained in homophobia that it becomes highly important that we try to avoid both the language which dissociates us from sexual acts by others in which we do not want to participate , and the attitudes which that language represents .
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