Example sentences of "[pron] have [been] the first " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And should n't I have been the first person to have known about them ?
2 I began there as someone who was already a professor , I had been the first woman Pro-Vice-Chancellor in the country .
3 I had been the first Chairman of Wells-Next-The-Sea , Town Council , but two or three years afterwards , we decided to turn , er , the old cinema , they wanted to turn the old cinema into a Dance Hall .
4 I have been the first to pay tribute to improvements in productivity in the coal industry , but they must continue if the industry is to provide , as I believe that it can , the bulk of supplies to fossil-fuel generators in the years to come .
5 Witness Poland , which has been the first to recover from three years of relentless slump .
6 By contrast Sofia , the capital , was the stronghold of the UDF , which comprised some 16 different parties or movements ranging from the environmental group Eco-Glasnost ( which had been the first to oppose the former communist regime — see p. 36980 ) to Podkrepa , the rapidly growing free trade union movement .
7 The difference between the early days and 1976 was that cars were going a lot faster — Lauda himself had been the first to break the magical seven-minute lap in 1975 — and that very little had been done to make the track safer .
8 The young , nervous and over-eager man who 'd been the first of her assignments for Charlie .
9 She had been the first Western politician to reach the Kurds .
10 She wanted him to plead with her to stay with him , forever , as he 'd done once before , but this time she would accept and tell him how wrong she had been the first time .
11 Despite them the withdrawal went smoothly , with the Colonel , who had been the first man ashore , the last man off , just behind Charley Head , who , as signals officer , had kept up a stream of messages , 40 an hour at one point , that included reassuring but unproven ‘ going well ’ reports .
12 It was obviously different from the religion of Jesus , as far as we understand it , and also from the Jewish vision of St Paul , who had been the first to bring the semitic faith to the hellenistic world of the Roman empire .
13 The dissident who had been the first to speak to Holly talked the hesitant monologue of revolution .
14 It was Canning , after all , who had been the first virtuoso of diplomacy by public opinion .
15 We pray for those who are sad because it has been the first Christmas without a loved one , and who grieve with their memories .
16 It was all much as it had been the first time , only evening instead of morning ; and Emily stood by herself as before , and now he knew why , wearing his ring on another finger .
17 It had been the first time that he had really seen Sara in tears .
18 It had been the first casino in modern Russia , had operated out of a converted bedroom on the second floor .
19 It had been the first definite sign that something was wrong ; though she had been moody and withdrawn for some weeks before , he had thought this a normal reaction to her baby 's death .
20 He had been the first to reach Maggie , though her screams had brought people running from all the neighbouring tenements .
21 Sheppard , already famous as ‘ the radio parson ’ — he had been the first person to broadcast a church service — was Canon of St Pauls .
22 Sir John Fastolf , involved in a long drawn-out lawsuit in Paris between 1432 and 1435 , could remind the court that he had been the first to jump into the sea when Henry V had come ashore in France in 1415 , and that the king had rewarded him with the grant of the first house which he had seen in France .
23 Once he had been The First Hand Supreme in all Chung Kuo , Master of Masters and eight times winner of the great annual championship held in Suchow .
24 He had been the first to hear the sound of the car approaching , and the quickest to identify it , for he was the only one who looked completely unsurprised as it rolled gently alongside the Aston Martin , while all the rest had checked momentarily and turned to gaze .
25 Matthei had been in post since 1978 , but in the late 1980s he had been the first among the military leadership to recognize the strength of the democratic opposition and the inevitability of political change and , as a result , began to distance himself from the military hardliners .
26 He had been the first serf-owner to take advantage of the reformist Law on Obligated Peasants .
27 We 're passed that now we 're trying to give people more direction , get them involved er this is the first year we 've able to do it in a sense , properly cos it 's been the first year , with all due respect to all the work you 've done in the past , we 've got five year tutors .
28 It proved a fitting finale to what had been the first period of sustained fighting in the war .
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