Example sentences of "[pron] have [been] use in " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I might not be the youngest but I have a great deal of knowledge which I have been using in the field of local and regional government for years . ’
2 The plant oil closely resembles sperm-whale oil , which has been used in cosmetics for many years .
3 Galbraith ( 1983 ) outlines the aims and methods of contact tracing which has been used in recent years in the UK in relation to sexually transmitted disease and tuberculosis , and during limited outbreaks of typhoid fever , diphtheria and Lassa fever ; and Brookbanks & Hampstead ( 1987 ) describe contact tracing related to hepatitis B.
4 ( It is possible that the Chinese qinghaosu , a natural drug derived from the medicinal herb quinghao , Artemisia annua , which has been used in China for at least 2000 years , may prove useful . )
5 This medium is the one which has been used in many laboratory experiments on this plant .
6 It is also worth working out a scale of charges which can be used if an author or editor asks to buy equipment which has been used in tests for a book or for a comparative feature .
7 Asked about increasing pressure to re-introduce internment , Sir Patrick said : ‘ Internment is a power which has been used in the past both north and south of the border .
8 In the absence of a joint election by the vendor and Newco under s531(3) TA 1988 , " know-how " which has been used in the trade and which is disposed of is treated as part of goodwill .
9 Prof Anatol Pikas , of Uppsala University , Sweden , pioneered the shared concern method of tackling bullying which has been used in Scandinavia and England .
10 This replaced section 5 of the Public Order Act 1936 which had long been the main public order offence and which had been used in a wide range of situations including demonstrations , football hooliganism , " streaking " and industrial disputes .
11 By the end of the seventeenth century the chaotic medley of titles which had been used in earlier generations to describe diplomats of different ranks had been reduced to a simpler system which in its main lines was accepted by most states .
12 It is , therefore , perhaps not surprising to see that many of the evaluation studies described in the library literature give accounts of the evaluation of specific methods and media which have been used in library instruction rather than evaluation of programmes of instruction .
13 The resources of Powers ' archives , which have been used in the biography , in addition to the author 's extensive photographic record of the art works , and the detailed entries for each work , make these volumes an indispensable tool in American history and art .
14 Despite such dreadful out-of-tuneness , however , it is still refreshing to hear mutations and high-pitched stops which have a gentle , smoothly-blended quality quite at variance with their shrill and screaming counterparts on some of the instruments which have been used in more recent recordings .
15 It remains unconvinced about the plausibility of ‘ ultimate victory ’ in the face of the region 's myriad problems and widespread anti-Western animus and sceptical towards the categories of ‘ Goodies v Baddies ’ , which have been used in the past to call the West to arms .
16 A TEACHER who quit a North-East City Technology College is outraged that she has been used in election literature by one of the CTC 's biggest supporters .
17 We can now state the central result of applying the rational expectations hypothesis to the aggregate demand — aggregate supply model that we have been using in this chapter .
18 Wash chopping boards , knives , other equipment and your hands after they 've been used in the preparation of raw food .
19 They 've been used in Australia since 1952 , working for an airline founded by the father of the new owner .
20 Housewives were told to hand them in after they had been used in the stock pot and fed to the dog , after , after which the bones were to be washed and dried in the oven after the gas and electricity had been turned off .
21 They have been used in the UK for many years and legislation allows the addition of 5 per cent of CBE fats ( about 15 per cent of the fat phase ) , and the product can still be called chocolate .
22 The real test is whether they have been used in all the cases where there has been flagrant abuse , and I have reason to believe that the traffic commissioners are doing their job competently in that connection .
23 Although finite state grammars are weak they have been used in computational systems .
24 In this context , we shall assess how the Act has added to police power and what effect it has had when it has been used in tandem with the pre-existing law .
25 It has been used in jewellery on and off for nearly 1000 years , for crucibles in the laboratory and in industry for nearly 200 years , as a catalyst in industry for 150 years , in the electrical industry for 100 years and now , most recently , in modern metallurgy and medicine .
26 As such , it has been used in the study of discourse , by Grimes ( 1975 : 337 ) for example , to describe the different methods used in various languages to mark the ‘ topic constituent ’ of sentences .
27 A downhole flowmeter for measuring the flow rates and water cut was run in the well , the first time it has been used in the North Sea , although a prototype has been used at Wytch Farm .
28 The counting of published papers is a crude method of measuring the productivity of research workers , but it has been used in some studies , such as that carried out by Vlachy 232 .
29 A distinction was made in the first chapter between three types of risk , objective , estimated and subjective , and the assumption was made that subjective risk is closely related to the concept of arousal as it has been used in much memory research .
30 It has been used in baking and brewing ever since primitive man became domesticated .
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