Example sentences of "[pron] have [to-vb] them [art] " in BNC.

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1 I had to give them the keys .
2 I had to promise them a press conference , and I thought you 'd rather do it now , old son .
3 Can you imagine , you know a teacher , I thought I had to tell them every minute detail of these plans .
4 Most of them think it 's as easy as that and then I have to give them the ‘ hard facts ’ about cost and time .
5 It is , it is I have to polish them every day , aha , are you upset ?
6 But if they would work no more and no faster than the job required , they would work no slower and no less : nobody had to give them a special incentive to give of their best .
7 So what do you do , do you have to give them the tapes and shit ?
8 Then you had to flitt them every day when the wool started to get loose on them you had to the tether would get in a and you had to clear their tethers .
9 I mean , if you , if you into , if you were trying to look into building or commercial and you had to send them a planning application for it , you 'd have to prove that building could support the weight .
10 Yeah , because I mean , like when I had the home erm , that again obviously you ca n't , people said that , I mean , it 's changed a lot but when I had the home you did n't just pull an , out anybody from the street and call them care assistants you had to offer them a day 's training every week
11 They can not just choose to hurt you , you have to give them the chance ( for example by joining in activities like those listed above ) — so do n't !
12 Yeah , so you have to make them the same .
13 ‘ Do we have to pay them a lot of money ? ’
14 Well I suppose a very junior clerk , the first job I was given was , well it 's unheard of in this day and age but what they had was what they call a bundi clock and there every driver and conductor had got a key that was inserted in this clock and on it was his personal number , well when he reported for duty , he inserted this key into the clock , turned the handle and stamped on to a piece of paper , a roll of paper , his number and the time he reported and the next day it was my job to go through and record from this piece of paper how many minutes they were late f reporting for duty and if they erm were more than , I think about three or four minutes we had to send them a memo telling them , that 's how things were in those days that people were , they toed the line or else .
15 We have to give them the ball out wide and let them get at Southend 's back four . ’
16 they 'd take a piece with them and that was all they had to sustain them the whole day .
17 When Wycliffe returned from talking to Sidney he had to give them a statement .
18 But I 'd like it to have the company address so that people can follow u can follow up our references without us having to give them the address .
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