Example sentences of "[pron] have always [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ According to our faith , ’ he wrote , ‘ nothing has always existed except God alone , Who is altogether immobile . ’
2 I 'd always wanted to be famous .
3 I 'd always wanted to be a comedian at school , I 've always been obsessive about comedy , and if I 'd been rubbish it would have been a bit problematic . ’
4 I 'd always wanted to be famous .
5 When my father died there were a lot of quarrels between my mother and I. I 'd always lived with my father , so I did n't know her , or how she wanted me to be .
6 What intrigued me was their mutual indifference to an activity I 'd always imagined to be both intimate and passionate .
7 Except that I had n't seen him since he lay on his camp-bed and watched me sleeping naked with his beloved wife , the woman I 'd always characterized to him as ‘ sister ’ .
8 Now I 'd always said to myself , ‘ I 'll never join the Masonic Lodge , ’ and therefore I would n't join the Bobby Burns Club .
9 I did n't know that they could , but I 'd always sworn to her that I would never involve her in any way and I 've never broken my word .
10 ‘ Disney executives flew me out there and gave me the kind of treatment I 'd always dreamed about when I was an actress … bouquets , champagne , limousines , ’ says Lynda .
11 He 's quite good-looking in a film-starry way — I 'd always thought of him as young .
12 As John struggles to find another plectrum , I mention that I 'd always thought of him as a fingerstyle player …
13 Everyone said what they thought and I said I had always believed in God and Jesus Christ due to my upbringing , personal feelings and experiences but I found commitment difficult .
14 It was good to see references at last to what I had always understood to be the correct meaning of hostage ( April 27th ) — that is , ‘ a person given to another as a pledge ’ ( Oxford dictionary ) .
15 I had bought her for a song , then spent a fortune restoring her and , when my term of service expired and I could afford to become the gypsy-sailor I had always wanted to be , I left the Marines and made Masquerade my new home .
16 From the age of seven I had always wanted to be a missionary and I well remember my mother returning from a missionary meeting in the village to hear me say that was what I hoped one day to be .
17 Before I went to Miss Havisham 's and met Estella , I had always wanted to be apprenticed to Joe , and I had always been happy at home , in spite of my sister 's scolding .
18 Then your mother went on about how I had always wanted to be buried at sea . ’
19 Frequently a Georgian house which I had always seen from the road and considered to be all of one date , was revealed , when I came to knock on its door , to be purely a façade built on to a much earlier building .
20 I had always argued against sit-ins and ‘ direct action ’ against campus property as it was always the poor bloody infantry — the cleaners , maintenance men and secretaries — who got the rough end of the pineapple , never the generals in command .
21 I began to feel , as I had always felt with my aunts , that personal affairs were unimportant : we were only sticks in the great river of history that was sweeping us along .
22 I had always lived at home with my family .
23 Although I had always lived in a freezing cold damp house and spent a lot of my own childhood in hospital and even remember my own mum referring to our flats as pneumonia houses , in my ignorance I had never made the connection between our living conditions , ill health and the social and environmental climate .
24 Hence the moulding of that most deplorable product the ‘ humble boy ’ and the strengthening of what I had always referred to as ‘ the civil service mentality ’ until I encountered Michael Manley 's much more telling phrase the ‘ psychology of dependence ’ .
25 Back in England , I had always looked on people who went round with no shoes on as crackpots and show-offs , on a par with youths who wore shirtsleeves in midwinter .
26 I had always dreamed of living in the country .
27 I should explain that I never once thought that he should ‘ give way to me ’ — as Nonni said he should — because I was ill ; only because , as I told him , I had always thought of him as ‘ a reasonable human being with some pretensions to morality ’ .
28 When I actually began to realize that there were advantages to being gay , that changed my whole attitude — up till then I had always thought of it as something to be sorry for , to apologize for .
29 She was twelve years younger than my father , and for years now I had called her Margaret , but until that moment I had always thought of her as firmly fixed in the older generation .
30 I had always thought of Italy as my spiritual home .
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