Example sentences of "[pron] have for [adj] years " in BNC.

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1 And one of the differences that anorexia can become much more visible and identifiable , whereas those of us who have experienced bulimia , which I had for thirteen years , can be extremely secret and well disguised because we normally do n't change from normal body weight .
2 I had for many years had this feeling about myself-that I looked like that — not literally , but in an inner way I felt I did .
3 I was feeling much happier than I had for two years .
4 I have for many years enjoyed dabbling with valve amplifiers , usually modifying old ones , but all the information I have has to be gleaned from circuit diagrams or an old Mullard handbook containing a selection of designs ( I 'm sure you know the one ! ) .
5 As a beekeepers wife I have for many years had to use soap powder rather than scented detergent as bees do n't appreciate the chemical scents in many whiter-than-white products ( Letters NI 208 ) .
6 The Anniversary Organising Committee had felt that a clock should be commissioned to replace the one which had been stolen , and perhaps because I have for some years specialised in the reproduction of historic clocks , my name was one of those considered .
7 What importance do you attach , Mrs , to the observation of the District Council in relation to their erm District Development Plan which has for many years been used for development control , of the following text , which you quote in your paragraph three point six ?
8 The CNAA , the body which has for many years awarded degrees in polytechnics , will cease operation in September 1992 and will be dissolved in March 1993 .
9 This has led to a crisis of legitimacy for the system : not only for the prisons ( whose claim to be providing effective rehabilitation was always shaky in many eyes ) but equally for other components of the penal system , notably the probation service which has for some years now been uncertain about what its proper rationale and direction should be .
10 Likewise the middle-aged mother may also have had aspirations which had for many years been put aside until her parenting responsibilities were at an end .
11 Similar assumptions were made by those authorities , like the London County Council , which had for some years been committed to the development of comprehension .
12 A graduate in sociology and education at Florence University , she has for many years contributed articles to Protestant and ecumenical newspapers and currently writes a monthly survey on television for the journal Confronti .
13 But she had for several years been living a life which the word frugal does not even begin to describe accurately .
14 All the family thought that in spite of Maureen 's arduous lifestyle , she looked better and happier than she had for several years .
15 These works were founded by Mr Joseph Wright , who had for many years been intimately connected with what we may call ‘ the system of locomotion ’ , having been a contractor for the conveyance of mails , and the owner of most of the coaches running between the Metropolis and Birmingham , and other large towns .
16 The membership also included Derek Senior , who had for many years been advocating a fundamental reorganisation of local government .
17 He had dropped me a note the day he left advising me to sell , so sell I did , but despite many hours spent traipsing round the East End I could only find one interested party : Mr Cohen , who had for some years conducted his tailor 's business from above my father 's shop and wanted to expand .
18 At Pyinmana I called on Brayton Case , the gallant Baptist agricultural missionary who had for twenty years organised a training farm .
19 The fate of a fallen minister or favourite might be even harder if he had aroused real fear and hatred in his opponents the executions ( or rather judicial murders ) in 1719 of Baron Goertz , the adviser of the dead Charles XII of Sweden , and in 1772 of Count Struensee , the progressive-minded but tactless favourite who had for several years dominated the court of Denmark , are good illustrations of this .
20 But that has been in the past and that was a thing that we had for several years had A level plays actually on the stage am I correct ?
21 Erm peo , people ca n't have it all ways , there has n't been any cut in the police service , in the police budget , I 'm sorry , erm we have for many years funded the police in a very generous way .
22 In Britain there has for many years been a sub-proletariat , a sub-class of the working class who are far worse off than the main body , consisting of sweat-shop workers and homeworkers , people who are treated by employers as though they have no rights at all .
23 They had for many years been estranged from each other .
24 They had for many years been letting cottages — although many more than we — and were just starting to think of selling up and living a quieter life .
25 But within this context , Wilkins ' elegant stuccoed facades will be retained , and an important landmark has been saved and will look far more handsome and dignified than it has for many years .
26 But , in spite of the considerable effort and investment , it has for many years failed to pay its way .
27 It has for many years been the most widely used method of social research .
28 While much of the UK is looking gloomily at the dark clouds of a major recession , it seems poetic justice that for at least some of Belfast 's population , the future looks better than it has for many years .
29 The outcome of these changes is that the drug bill is rising faster than it has for some years and above the rate of inflation .
30 It has for some years been established beyond doubt that Elisabeth used her long period as custodian of her brother 's works and papers ( during which time she wrote and rewrote his biography , as well as overseeing the editing of his works ) to misrepresent important aspects of his life and thought and , in extreme cases , to falsify letters and unpublished writings .
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